Orders Passed
None has appeared on behalf of any of the party inspite of several calls.
As per the previous order, the court notice was sent to the appellant as well as to the respondent.
The court notice sent to both the parties has been returned back.
As per the postal report available on record, issued to the appellant, has transpired that the addressee’s house is locked even visiting several times.
A perusal of the postal report available on the record, issued to the respondent, has shown that none is residing on the address given on the envelope.
As per the postal report, the court notices could not be served on the parties to the appeal.
A perusal of the order sheet has shown that the file was fixed from several dates for disposal of the delay condonation application.
The institution of the appeal was from the year of 2016.
In the interest of justice, it is not proper to continue the matter further and in such circumstances the delay condonation application has no force and is liable to be dismissed.
Accordingly, the delay condonation application is dismissed and the appeal shall stand as dismissed summarily.