Order no. 1, dt.25.02.2023.
This case record has been placed before the ld. Judges of Upobhokta Lok Adalat which is held on this day at the court room of D.C.D.R.C., Hooghly. The complainant and Ld. Advocate for the OPs are found ready. The complainant has filed an application for withdrawing the complaint petition and OP also has filed an application in the matter of compliance of the order /award. In respect of the said application one memorandum of understanding has been filed.
Heard both sides. Considered submission.
In course of hearing it is revealed that OP has received 30,000/- and OP has already executed and registered the deed of conveyance in respect of the fact which has been mentioned in the schedule of the complaint petition. In support of the plea that the said flat has already been handed over to the complainant and deed of conveyance has already been executed and registered the documents filed by the OP.
As the disputes involved in this case have been amicably settled between the parties which are also revealed from the documents, the Ld. Judges of the Upovokta Lok Adalat are of the view that this complaint petition can be dropped in view of the withdrawal petition.
Thus, this complaint case no.8 of 2022 be and the same is disposed of as it is withdrawn.
Let a free certified copy of this order be handed over to the parties immediately.
Let this order be uploaded in the official website of D.C.D.R.C, Hooghly.