Fixed for steps upon O.P. no.2 & exparte against O.P. no.1.
Complainant files petition for publication of notice in news paper.
Let it be registered as Misc. Case no.39 / 2017.
Heard. Perused the petition and materials on record.
It appears that notice / Summon upon O.P. no.2 could not be served, send by registered post with A/.D returned with postal endorsement “Not known”.
So, we have sufficient reason to believe that O.P. no.1 is keeping himself out to service of summon upon him.
So, we find to allow this Misc. Case.
Hence, it is
That the Misc. Case No.39 of 2017 be and same is allowed.
Service of summon upon O.P. no.1 to be made by making publication in a daily newspaper preferably Bengali.
Complainant is directed to submit draft of publication on the date fixed.
Thus this Misc. Case is disposed of.
Fix 14-09-2017 for Draft copy publication.