View 1816 Cases Against Amazon
View 1816 Cases Against Amazon
Jitendra Kumar filed a consumer case on 29 Jan 2018 against Amazon Brigade Gate Way in the Rayagada Consumer Court. The case no is CC/50/2017 and the judgment uploaded on 19 Mar 2018.
C.C. Case No. 50/ 2017. Date. 29 .1. 2018.
P R E S E N T .
Dr. Aswini Kumar Mohapatra, President
Sri GadadharaSahu, . Member.
Smt. Padmalaya Mishra, Member
Sri Jitendra Kumar, S/O: Sarvan Kumar, K.D.Singh lane, B.C.Road, J.K.Pur, Dist.Rayagada,State: Odisha. …….Complainant
1.The Manager, Amazon, Brigade gate way, 8th. Floor, 26/1, Malleshwaram, Bangalore-560055.
2.The Manager, Triveni Empire, SY N. 22/2, Plot No. 120, Tribhovan Nagar, Co-operative H.S.G.Society, Ved Road, Tuki Surat, 395 004, State:Gujarat. .…..Opp.Parties
Counsel for the parties:
For the complainant: - Sri S.K.Mohapatra, Advocate, Rayagada.
For the O.Ps No.1 :- Sri J.K.Mohapatra, Rayagada.
For the O.P. No.2:- Set exparte.
J u d g e m e n t.
The present disputes arises out of the complaint petition filed by the above named complainant alleging deficiency in service against afore mentioned O.Ps for non refund of price a sum of Rs.1,096/- towards return of defective Sewing machine to the O.P. No.2.. The brief facts of the case has summarized here under.
That the complainant has placed order before the O.P. No.1 on Dt. 20.10.2016 vide order No. 4041878095-8136353 for purchasing a Sewing machine with foot pedal and adapter. On receiving this order the O.P. No.1 has sold the above noted item to the complainant by receiving a sum of Rs. 1,096/- through the O.P. No.2 on Dt. 21.10.2016. On Dt. 30.10.2016 the complainant received the above item through DTDC Courier. After opening the same the complainant found that the said machine was not working and a defective one. So he immediately informed to the O.P. No.2 and has returned the same item to the O.P. No.2 through postal service. But inspite of several requests the O.P. No. 2 has not refunded the amount which has paid to the O.P. No.2 at the time of purchase by the complainant. Hence this case. The complainant prays the forum direct the O.Ps to refund a sum of Rs.1,096/- towards price of sewing machine to the complainant and such other relief as the hon’ble forum deems fit and proper for the best interest of justice.
On being noticed the O.P. No. 1 filed written version through their learned counsel and contended that the present complaint is not maintainable and liable to be dismissed against the O.P.No.1. The O.P.No.1 is protected by the provisions of Section-79 of the Information Technology Act, 2000. The O.P. No.1 neither offers nor provides any assurance and/or offers warranty to the end buyers of the product. The O.P. No.1 is neither a ‘trader’ nor a ‘service provider’ and there does not exists any privity of contract between the complainant and the O.P. No.1. The O.P. No. 1 is only limited to providing on line platform to facilitate the whole transaction of sale and purchase of goods by the respective sellers and buyers on its website. The O.P. No.1 prayed to dismiss the complaint petition against O.P. No.1 for the best interest of justice.
On being noticed the O.P. No. 2 neither entering in to appear before the forum nor filed their written version inspite of more than 05 adjournments has been given to them. Complainant consequently filed his memo and prayer to set exparte of the O.Ps. Observing lapses of around one year for which the objectives of the legislature of the C.P. Act going to be destroyed to the prejudice of the interest of the complainant. Hence after hearing the counsel for the complainant set the case exparte against the O.Ps. The action of the O.Ps is against the principles of natural justice as envisaged under section 13(2) (b)(ii) of the Act. Hence the O.P. set exparte as the statutory period for filing of written version was over to close the case with in the time frame permitted by the C.P. Act.
Heard from the complainant and learned counsel for the O.P. No.1. Perused the record filed by the parties.
During the exparte hearing the complainant examined himself and proved the payment of the money to the O.Ps which is marked as Annexure-I.. The complainant has also produced the postal acknowledgement that the defective Sewing machine has already been returned to the O.P. No.2 through postal service which is marked as Annexure-2 and delivered to the O.P. No.2 on Dt.8.3.2017. The complainant also argued due to non refund of the purchase price of the above set he suffered a lot of financial trouble and mental agony. The complainant prays the forum as the O.Ps have not heard any grievance of the complainant till date so the O.Ps be directed to refund purchase price along with bank interest.
During the course of hearing the complainant has submitted that the defective Sewing machine has already been taken by the O.P. No.2 but till date the O.Ps are not refunded the purchase price of the above set.
In the absence written version from the side of the O.Ps. it is presumed that the allegations levelled against the O.Ps. deemed to have been proved. The complainant had paid the amount for the good service which intended with the O.P and the said payment is made for the consideration for the said service. When the O.Ps have failed to give such service for which the O.Ps have received the amount. It is deemed that the O.Ps were callous to the allegations and it amounts to deficiency of service.
Hence to meet the ends of justice, the following order is passed.
In resultant the complaint petition is hereby allowed in part .
The O.P. No.2 is ordered to refund the price of the Sewing machine a sum of Rs. 1,096/- inter alia to pay Rs.1,000.00 towards compensation for mental agony along with litigation expenses to the complainant . The O.P. No.1 is ordered to refer the matter to the O.P. No.2 for early compliance.
The O.Ps ordered to comply the above direction within one month from the date of receipt of this order. Serve the copies of the order to the parties free of cost..
Dictated and corrected by me. Pronounced on this 29th. day of January, 2018.
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