West Bengal



Sri Swapan Chatterjee. - Complainant(s)


ABCON (India). - Opp.Party(s)

Subhankar Sarkar.

07 Aug 2019


KOLKATA UNIT-III(South),West Bengal
18, Judges Court Road, Kolkata 700027
Complaint Case No. CC/299/2018
( Date of Filing : 18 May 2018 )
1. Sri Swapan Chatterjee.
S/O Late Sudhir Kumar Chatterjee residing at Flat No. B-1, first floor at Premises No. 39/2/1, Prince Golam Hossain Saha Road, P.S. Jadavpur, Kol-32, Dist- South 24 Pgs.
1. ABCON (India).
a partnership firm, having its principal Place of Business at 4, Central Park,P.S. Jadavpur,Kol-32 represented by its partners(a)Sri Abhi Mukherjee,S/O Late Himanshu Mukherjee,at 178, Raja S.C.Mullick Road,Kol-92. and (b)Sri Asoke Ghosh,S/O Late Ajit Kumar Ghosh, residing at 4, Central Park, Kol-32.
Wife of Lt.Jibon Kumar Dutta,Residing at 22/4,Sahapur Colony,P.S. New Alipore,Kolkata-700053
Son of Lt.Jibon Kumar Dutta,Residing at premises no-39/2/1,Prince Golam Hossain Saha Rd,P.S.Jadavpur,Kol-700032,Dist-24-Pgs
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For the Complainant:
For the Opp. Party:
Dated : 07 Aug 2019
Final Order / Judgement

Date of filing : 18.05.2018

Date of Judgment : 07.08.2019

Mrs. Balaka Chatterjee, Hon’ble Member

          This petition of complaint  is filed under Section 12 of the Consumer Protection Act, 1986 by Sri Swapan Chatterjee alleging deficiency in service  on the part of the Opposite Parties ( referred as OP hereinafter ) (1) “ABCON (INDIA) represented by  its partners  (a) Sri Abhi Mukherjee and (b) Sri Asoke Ghosh (2) Smt. Swantana Dutta (3) Sri Babua Dutta.

          Facts in brief are that the OP nos. 2 & 3 are the joint owners of a plot of land measuring  4 cottah 8 chittack 8 sq.ft. lying  and situated at Dag no.828, Khatian No.719, J.L. No.719, Municipal Premises No.39/2/1, Prince Golam Hussain Shah Road, P. S. – Jadavpur, Kolkata  - 700 032 along with  a one storied building standing thereon. The complainant has stated   that  a Memorandum of Understanding was executed  by and between the OP No.1 Developer and  OP Nos. 2 &3 landowners for constructing a multi-storied building after demolishing the existed  one storied building and, accordingly, the OP No.1 obtained a sanctioned building plan from the  Kolkata Municipal Corporation bearing sanction no.219 dt.24.09.2003 and constructed a partly three and partly ground + three storied  building at the abovementioned premises. The complainant has further  stated that during the period of construction  he came into  contact with the OPs and after inspection of all documents gave affirmative nod for purchasing a self-contained  flat  being  flat no.-B1 measuring about  645 sq.ft. super built up area consisting of two bed rooms one living cum drawing room., one kitchen , one toilet, one W.C. on the South West Side of the first floor of the building construction of which was going on at  that point of time and, accordingly, an Agreement for Sale  dt. 4.7.2004  was executed by and between the  complainant  and the OP No.1 & 2  & OP No.3 on payment of  Rs. 86,250/- by the complainant to the OP towards advance/booking amount out of  total consideration amount of Rs. 5,75,000/- and it was agreed between the parties that balance  consideration amount  would be paid as per schedule of payment. It is stated by the complainant that the entire  consideration has been paid by the complainant and possession  of the said flat, as per Agreement for Sale, was to be  handed over by  31.12.2014 and registration of  the said flat was decided to be done by  10.02.2015.  However, the OP no.1 vide  letter dt. . 05.01.2015 intimated the complainant that the flat in question was  ready  in all respect for delivery of possession but on inspection the complainant found that the construction of the  said flat  had not been completed in all respect and the OP again on 29.01.2005 by a letter requested  the complainant  to take the possession of the flat in question. It is further stated by the complainant that he under some compulsion took delivery of the possession  of the flat in question on 23.02.2005 without electricity connection as well as without colour painting on the exterior wall and incomplete mirror work and the complainant sent demand notice  dt.30.11.2016 to the OPs  and in reply to that demand notice the OP sent reply dt. 08.12.2006, 31.12.2006, 07.02.2007, 28.02.2007 to the complainant. It is mentioned by  the complainant that  pre-condition of receiving possession was that the developer would keep an amount of Rs. 50,000/-  as security deposit with the complainant which the developer  paid to the complainant but the OP failed to  complete the balance work as well as installation  of electricity and the complainant had to complete  the said work by paying on his own. It is specific allegation made by the complainant that inspite of handing over possession the OPs did not execute and register the Dee of Conveyance  in favour of the complainant which caused harassment and suffering to the complainant, a senior  citizen and therefore the complainant  by filing the instant consumer complaint  prayed for direction  upon the OPs to execute and register  the Deed of Conveyance  in favour of the complainant, OP No.1 to pay Rs.. 3,00,000/- towards compensation , Rs. 2,00,000/- for payment  of balance work, Rs. 2,00,000/- towards  unfair trade practice Rs. 1,00,000/- towards cost of litigation and other reliefs.

          The complainant annexed copy of Agreement for Sale dt. 04.07.2004 letter dt.03.01.2005, 30.11.2006, 31.12.2006issued by the complainant to the OP No.1, Reply dt. 29.01.2005,23.02.2005,08.12.2006,07.02.2006,28.02.2007 issued by the OP No.1 to the complainant, Completion Certificate.

          Money receipts dt. 04.07.2004, 12.08.2004, 18.08.2004,25.10.2004, 23.02.2005, Transaction slip. Electricity bill for the month of December 2017.Receipts filed acknowledging payment of maintenance charge.

          Notices were served but the OP nos.  2 & 3 did not turn up and, therefore the case proceeded exparte against OP Nos. 2 & 3 vide order dt. 18.07.2018.

          The OP No.1 contested the case by filing  written version denying and disputing all the allegations made out in the petition of complaint  stating inter alia, that the instant case is  barred by limitation  since the case  has been  filed after a long gap of  18 years. It is further stated by the OP No.1  that the plot of land upon  which the building  was constructed was amalgamation of two plots of land and  OP nos. 2 & 3  were joint owners of one part and  OP No.3 was absolute owner of another part and they decided to amalgamate  the plots for having better F.A.R but subsequently after construction of the  building an infighting was  arose between  the OP Nos. 2 & OP No.3 regarding their respective share and allotment. It is further stated by the OP No.1 that he received  only Rs. 5,25,000/-  out of Rs. 5,75,000/- as Rs. 50,000/-  had been refunded by the OP No.1 towards security deposit at the time of handing over possession. The OP No.1 has further stated that electricity connection was  initially provided  from common meter and  thereafter separate meter was installed in favour of the complainant and in order to  avoid inconvenience to the  complainant the OPs handed over possession of the flat in question to the complainant in habitable condition after completing all  unfinished work  but due to the  inter se dispute  between the OP Nos. 2 & 3  registration of the flat  could not be done since the OP No.1 Developer  was only possessed a Notarial Power  and  the landowners refused to execute the same in  favour of the developer so that developer could  act as their constituted Attorney . Moreover  the OP No.2 filed a civil suit before the  Civil Court, Alipore seeking injunction on the  property in question and, accordingly prayed for dismissal of the case. 

          The complainant and the OP No.1 adduced their respective evidence followed by cross-exmination in the form of  questionnaire and reply  thereto but the OP No.1 did not  file any reply.

          In course of argument both parties file their respective brief notes of argument.

          Ld. Advocate for the  complainant  has narrated the facts  mentioned in the petition of complainant and  prayed for compensation  for prolong harassment on the part of the OP no.1.

          Ld. Advocate for the OP No.1 has submitted that he , by filing a petition , has already  admitted that he is agreeable to execute  and register  the Deed of Conveyance in favour of the complainant but regarding unfinished  work no document has been filed by the complainant to substantiate such claim.

          At this stage, Ld. Advocate for the OP No.1  drew our attention towards the Title Suit being No. T.S.  66 o 2006.

          Points for determination :

  1. Whether there is deficiency in providing  service on the part of the OPs.
  2. Whether the complainant is entitled to the  relief as prayed for.

Decision with reasons

          Point Nos. 1 & 2 : Both  points are taken up together  for comprehensive discussion and decision.

          The complainant has claimed that he entered into an Agreement for Sale  with the OPs in respect  of a flat to be constructed by the OP No.1  on a piece of land being premises no. 39/2/1, Prince Golam Hussain Shah Road, P.S. – Jadavpur, Kolkata - 700 032 owned by the OP No. 2 & 3 and as per said Agreement for Sale dt. 04.07.2004 the complainant  paid entire consideration  amount of Rs. 5,75,000/-. In support of this averment the complainant has filed. . Copy of
Agreement for Sale dt. 04.07.2004  and money receipts  dt. 04.07.2004 12.08.2004,18.08.2004, 25.10.2004, 23.02.2005 issued by the OP wherefrom it appears that an Agreement for Sale was executed by and between the complainant and the OPs  on 04.07.2004 and the complainant paid  entire consideration amount of RS. 5,75,000/- . The  complainant has alleged that though the OPNo.1 handed over possession of  the flat in question on 23.02.2005 but the said flat  was not completed in all respect  since there were  some unfinished  works which was  to have been completed before  delivery of possession  and the OPs did not execute and register the Deed of Conveyance  in favour of the complainant.

          Although notices  were served but the OP Nos. 2 & 3  did not turn up to state their version.

          It is specific defence  of the OP no.1 Developer  that after completion of unfinished  work  of the flat  in question possession was handed over to the  complainant on 23.02.2005   and Completion Certificate  was also obtained  by the Op no.1  from the concerned  local Authority  but registration of the  Deed of Conveyance  could not be done due to the  inter se dispute between the OP Nos. 2 & 3. It appears from copy of plaint of  T.S. being  No. T.S. 66 of  2006 that  Smt. Santana Dutta  ( OP No.2 herein) filed a case  before the Ld. Civil Judge  Jr. Division against  ABCON (INDIA) and Sri  Babul Dutta, ( OP No.1 & OP No.3  herein  respectively ). However, the OP No.1  has not filed any other documents wherefrom it would have come to our knowledge that which order  has been passed by Ld. Civil Judge in T.S./66/2006. It further n appears that the complainant  entered into an Agreement for Sale with the  OPs on  04.07.2004 and the Title Suit was  filed in 2006 and, moreover, the  complainant in the instant consumer complaint was not impleded as party to the TS/66/2006.

          On perusal of Agreement for Sale  dt. 04.07.2004  it appears that the developer agreed to handover  possession of the flat before  3.12.2004. It  further appears from letter dated 03.01.2005 issued from the  end of the complainant asking to handover  possession of the said flat in question  and it also appears from reply dt. 29.01.2005 issued by the OP No.1 that  the complainant was yet  to pay the outstanding dues.  It further  appears from reply  dt. 29.01.2015 that the OP No.1  was ready to handover possession and   accordingly  the complainant received  possession  and paid Rs. .1,50,000/-  vide HDFC Bank’s pay order no. 775488 dt. 09.02.2005 which the OP receive as full and final  settlement and, therefore, question of outstanding  dues  does not arise at all.

          It is specifically alleged by the  complainant that registration of the Deed of Conveyance  has not  been  done in favour of him by the OPs.  It also appears from letter dt. 08.12.2006 issued by the OP No. 1 to the complainant, upon which the  complainant placed reliance , that the complainant  was intimated by the OP No.1 regarding filing  of an injunction petition by the OP No.2 Though no  copy of order  in TS/66/2006 has been filed, it is evident that a Suit  was  pending at that point of time. But that cannot debar the complainant to get his flat registered in his favour.

          The complainant has  prayed for compensation to the tune of Rs. 3,00,000/- for unnecessary  loss, delay. On perusal of documents on record it appears  that the Agreement for Sale  was executed on  04.07.2004,  possession of the flat  was handed over  on 23.02.2005 and last installment  was paid  by the complainant on 09.02.2005.Consideiring such state of affairs, we find no  reason to  award  compensation.

          Regarding prayer for payment  of Rs. 2,00,000/- towards  cost of completion of the balance work  we do not find  any document wherefrom it would have been evident  that the complainant  completed the unfinished work by paying on his  own. Therefore, this  prayer cannot be allowed.

          Regarding prayer for direction upon OP No.1 to pay Rs. 2,00,000/- for unfair trade practice. As per  Section 2(1)(r) of the Consumer Protection Act, 1986. We do not find any element of unfair trade practice  on the part of the OP and, therefore, this prayer is  also rejected. Furthermore,  in para no.19 of the petition of complaint the  complainant admitted that at the time of handing  over possession of the flat in question the  OP No.1 Developer paid an amount of Rs. 50,000/- to the complainant  as security deposit. Considering  this act of the OP Developer  we are not  inclined to allow  any compensation    or litigation cost.

          In such view of the matter, we are inclined to allow only the prayer for registration of the Deed of Conveyance .

          In that result, the consumer complaint  succeeds  in part.



          That CC/299/2018  is allowed on contest  against  OP No.1 and  exparte against  OP Nos. 2 & 3. OPs are directed to execute and register the Deed of conveyance in favour of the complainant within two months from the date of communication of this order, to the OPs subject to  refund of security deposit of  Rs. 50,000/-  to the OP No.1  by the complainant and if the OPs  fail to do  it, the registration shall be done through machinery of this Forum.

[HON'BLE MRS. Balaka Chatterjee]
[HON'BLE MR. Ayan Sinha]

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