th February 2009th Main B.S.K. II Stage,2
furnished project information document to the complainant for the proposed service
items 1 to 64. The opposite parties directed the complainant to arrange a building
for establishment of Rajiv Internet Center at S. Mydukur Village and send a
provisional quotation for setting up interiors in the center. The opposite parties
directed the complainant to deposit Rs. 1,96,000/- with them to provide the proposed
services 1 to 64 to operate the center. The complainant accordingly deposited
Rs. 1,96,000/- by way of D.D. for Rs. 8,000/- and a D.D. No. 043446 for
Rs. 40,000/- dt. 5-1-2006 and D.D. No. 043449 for Rs. 40,000/-, dt. 5-1-2006 and
D.D. No. 043447 for Rs. 20,000/-, dt. 5-1-2006 and D.D. No. 954500 for
Rs. 42,000/- dt. 9-1-2006 and D.D. No. 0723045499 for Rs. 46,000/- dt. 23-2-2006
drawn on State Bank of India, Kadapa in favour Radiant Infosystem (P) Ltd., payable
at Hyderabad and submitted the same on 17-12-2005 and 13-3-2006 and 7-1-2006
at Branch office of opposite party No. 2. The opposite party No. 2 passed receipts as
acknowledgements of the D.D’s on 13-3-2006, 7-1-2006 to the complainant.
3. The complainant arranged a building at S. Mydukur on monthly rent of
Rs. 3,500/- p.m and paid an advance of Rs. 10,000/- and entered in to agreement on
2-3-2006. The complainant spent Rs. 82,000/- for furniture and Rs. 10,000/- for
internal decoration of the building. The opposite parties inspected the building and
arrangements for running the center and satisfied with them. On 11-1-2006 the
opposite parties allotted the Rajiv Internet Center at S. Mydukur in favour of the
complainant to run services 1 to 64. The opposite parties provided one UPS, one
Computer, one scanner, one Web camera and one printer to operate the center at
S. Mydukur village. The complainant later obtained a telephone connection along
with Internet connection as mentioned in the project information document. The
opposite parties provided only single service i.e. collection of electricity bills from the
Electricity consumers and promised to provide the remaining 63 services within a
month or two months from January 2006. The complainant was running the center
C.C. No. 115 of 20083
in respect of single service only. The complainant engaged one Computer Operator
with a salary of Rs. 3,000/- p.m. The opposite parties did not show any interest in
providing the remaining 63 services to the complainant.
4. The complainant was spending the expenses for smooth running of the
center with loss of income since January 2006 i.e.
S.No. Expenditure incurred Amount
i. Monthly rents for building
a) Operator salary per month
b) Sweeper salary
ii Internet and Telephone charges approximately per month 980/-
iii Electricity consumption charges per month and other
iv Interest on deposit amount of Rs. 1,96,000/- @ 24% p.a. 3,920/-
v Interest on furniture cost of Rs. 82,000/- and internal
decoration charges including labour charges of Rs.
10,000/- and shop advance amount of Rs. 10,000/- @
24% p.a.
vi Total monthly expenses 14,000/-
vii Approximate monthly income 1,000/-
5. The opposite parties assured a monthly income of Rs. 20,000/- from the
center. The complainant had a net loss of Rs. 13,000/- p.m. Therefore, the
complainant was forced to close the center in October 2007. In spite of it the
complainant had to pay the rents and electricity charges and telephone bills till that
day. The opposite parties falsely represented in the project information document
without any prior permission from the concerned authorities causing a deposit of
Rs. 1,96,000/- for allotting the center. Thus there was deficiency of service on the
part of the opposite parties, as they failed to provide remaining 63 services to the
center started by the complainant.
6. The complainant spent Rs. 23,500/- towards telephone bills, internet
charges and electricity charges from March 2006 till that day and spent
C.C. No. 115 of 20084
Rs. 1,02,000/- towards decoration including furniture and shop advance with
interest @ 24% p.a. and monthly salary of the computer operator of Rs. 3,000/- p.m
from June 2006 to December 2007 with interest @ 24% p.a. and also shop rents and
interest from March 2006. The opposite parties were liable to pay the amount to the
complainant. The opposite parties were further liable to pay the loss of damage and
earnings of Rs. 1,50,000/- with interest @ 24% p.a. and also liable to refund the
deposit amount of Rs. 1,96,000/-with interest @ 24% p.a. from the date of deposit till
the date of refund and also a loss of Rs. 13,000/- p.m. Thus the complaint was filed
for Rs. 1,96,000/- with interest @ 24% p.a. ;from the date of deposit till date of
payment and Rs. 10,000/- advance from March 2006 till the day with interest @ 24%
p.a. and Rs. 1,50,000/- towards loss of earnings. Thus the total claim was
Rs. 4,64,880/- along with costs.
7. The opposite parties filed the counter that the complainant was not a
consumer and hence, the complaint was not maintainable under the provisions of
C.P. Act. The transaction was a commercial transaction and the opposite parties had
never promised to provide 64 services towards E -sava services. The complainant
suppressed the information regarding the arrangement to him. The 1
issued an advertisement in the news paper calling upon interested persons to apply
for operating Rajiv Internet Center at various places, including the territorial limits of
the complainant. It was not correct that the complainant approached the opposite
parties to start Franchise to operate Rajiv Internet Center at S. Mydukur Village,
Kadapa District under self employment for his livelihood and the opposite parties
agreed to provide Internet Center at S. Mydukur and furnished Project information
document for proposed service item Nos. 1 to 64. It was not correct that at the
instance of the opposite parties the complainant arranged the building on monthly
rents of Rs. 3,500/- and paid Rs. 10,000/- towards advance and entered into rental
agreement and spent Rs. 82,000/- towards furniture and Rs. 10,000/- towards
C.C. No. 115 of 2008st opposite party5
decoration and later it was inspected and satisfied by the opposite parties to start the
internet center.
8. It was true that the Rajiv Internet Center at S. Mydukur village was
allotted to the complainant by the opposite parties. But it was not for running 64
services. It was true that the opposite parties provided one UPS, Computer, one
Scanner, one Web Camera, One Printer and other material to operate the internet
Center by the complainant. The opposite parties provided only one single service i.e.
collection of electricity bills from the electricity consumers but not for running
remaining 63 services. It was not correct to provide within a month or two months
from January 2006. It was not correct that the telephone connection with Internet
and a computer operator with a monthly salary of Rs. 3,000/- p.m was provided at
the instance of the opposite parties and the opposite parties assured to provide the
remaining 63 services as per project information document. It was not correct that
the complainant spent the expenditure since January 2006 as mentioned in the
complaint. It was not correct that the opposite parties assured Rs. 20,000/- p.m as
income and they failed to provide remaining 63 services to the center and hence, the
complainant had a loss. It was not correct that it was a deficiency of service on the
part of the opposite parties. It was not correct that the center was closed in October
2007. It was not correct that the complainant deposit of Rs. 1,96,000/- in view of
false representation made by the opposite parties under project information
9. The Govt. of Andhra Pradesh in pursuance of its e – Governance
programme to provide services within the reach of rural population through internet,
proposed to set up Rajiv Internet village centers across the state on “build, own and
operate” model during November 2004 (i.e. Rajiv Project). For that purpose the
government called for Request of Expression of Interest (EOI) and Request for
C.C. No. 115 of 20086
Proposal (RFP). M/s Bharath Electronics Limited (BEL) teamed up with 1
party formed a consortium in terms of a teaming up agreement dt. 15-12-2004
entered into between BEL and 1
the Rajiv project. The consortium submitted its bid for the project with BEL as prime
bidder. The bid was accepted by the Government of Andhra Pradesh and the Rajiv
Project was awarded to the consortium and a letter of internet dt. 6-5-2005 was
issued. Later BEL entered in to an agreement on 01-9-2005 (Principal Contract) with
the Government of Andhra Pradesh. In the RFP and in the Principal contract the
Government declared that 64 government and other services were available to
common citizen on chargeable basis. The 1
setting up the required data service centers and worked for developing the required
software for the implementation of integrated citizen service centers specified in the
RPF by investing Rs. 10 crores. Applications were invited for operating Rajiv Internet
Centers in various parts of Andhra Pradesh.
10. The complainant submitted an application seeking franchise to operate
Internet Center at S. Mydukur village and was permitted to operate it. The
complainant deposited Rs. 1,96,000/- as advance which was nonrefundable after he
had gone through the scope of business of the center. The amount was paid towards
expenses incurred by the opposite parties to provide necessary Information
Technology Infrastructure such as creating portals, data centre, applications etc.,
through which the complainant could provide various services to his customers. The
and one printer to the complainant.
11. The Project Information document issued by 1
services identified the Government such as telephone, electricity and tax payment
and whatever services approved by the government could be provided to the
C.C. No. 115 of 2008st oppositest opposite party agreeing interalia to submit a bid forst opposite party took steps and startedst opposite party supplied one U.P.S, one Computer, one scanner, one Web camerast opposite party was for 647
complainant and there was no agreement for any specific services. It was not
promised to provide a particular number of services to the complainant.
12. As per clause 10-5 of the Consortium Agreement it was the responsibility
of BEL to ensure compliance of the responsibilities and obligations of the government
of Andhra Pradesh, participating Departments, A.P. Portal and e-sava. BEL should
ensure that roles and responsibilities of project stake holders such as Government of
Andhra Pradesh, participating Departments, Director – EDS and Rajiv Project AP and
e-Seva portals were cooridinated and any lapses, deficiency of service was recorded
and reported to the concerned stake holders. So BEL and the Government were
equally responsible for failure of the project and denial of Government of services to
the citizens including the complainant but not the opposite parties. The Government
of India through the Department of Information Technology came up to set up
1,00,000 ICT and broad band enabled kiosks known as common service centers
(CSC) to provide Government and private services. The CSE would function on the
same line as Rajiv Project. Government of Andhra Pradesh insisted that BEL and 1
C.C. No. 115 of 2008stopposite party should voluntarily exit from Rajiv Project to enable the Government to
wind up the Rajiv Project in view of existing CSC scheme. BEL gave up Rajiv project
in preference to CSC project at a meeting held on 17-5-2007 at Government of India.
The 1
by the Government of Andhra Pradesh and BEL. Thus the 1
not run the project. Both the Government of Andhra Pradesh and BEl were equally
responsible for failure of Rajiv Project and denial of Government services to the public
including the complainant. even after the project was closed the complainant
continued the center with opportunity provided by 1
commission derived from the services. During the review programme the opposite
prties found that the complainant used the infrastructure for creating false
documents for unlawful gain. So the opposite parties terminated the franchise by
st opposite party regretted the decision taken by BEL. But it was not consideredst opposite party wouldst opposite party and paid8
way of letter on 9-2-2008. Thus there was no deficiency of services and negligence
on the part of the opposite parties and the complaint may be dismissed with costs.
13. On the basis of the above pleadings the following points are settled for
i. Whether there is any negligence and deficiency of service on the
part of the opposite parties?
ii. Whether the complainant is entitled to the relief as prayed for?
iii. To what relief?
14. On behalf of the complainant Ex. A1 to A11 were marked and on behalf
of the respondents Ex. B1 to B14 were marked. Both parties filed written arguments
15. Point No. 1 & 2 The complainant started Rajiv Internet Center at S.
Mydukur village, Kadapa district under self employment for his livelihood which was
a project initiated by the government of Andhra Pradesh. The complainant
approached the opposite parties on the publicity made by them calling upon
intending persons to operate Rajiv Internet centers at various places in Andhra
Pradesh. The opposite parties accepted and provided Internet center at S. Mydukur
Village, Kadapa District and furnished project information document for the proposed
services item Nos. 1 to 64. The complainant deposited Rs. 1,96,000/- with the
opposite parties to provide the proposed services 1 to 64 to operate Rajiv Internet
Center at S. Mydkur. After receiving the deposit amount of Rs. 1,96,000/- by way of
various D.D’s in favour of Radiant Infosystem (P) Ltd., Hyderabad, the opposite
parties passed on receipts in favour of the complainant for the said deposit amount.
The opposite parties provided one U.P.S, one computer, one scanner, one Web
camera and one printer to the complainant to operate Rajiv Internet Center at S.
Mydukur Vilage, Kadapa District. The complainant filed Xerox copies of receipts
issued by 2
C.C. No. 115 of 2008nd opposite party for Rs. 8,000/- on 17-12-2005, Rs. 42,000/- o n9
13-3-2006, Rs. 46,000/- on 13-3-2006, Rs. 40,000/- on 7-1-2006, Rs. 40,000/- on
7-1-2006 and Rs. 20,000/- on 7-1-2006 totaling Rs. 1,96,000/- under Ex. A1. There
was no dispute about the amount deposited by the complainant with opposite party
No. 2.
16. The complainant arranged a building to operate Rajiv Internet Center on
monthly rent of Rs. 3,500/- p.m and paid advance amount of Rs. 10,000/- to the
building owner. The complaint filed a rental agreement for Rs. 3,500/- p.m as rent
entered with one B.L. Parvati. It was an unregistered lease deed for 5 years period
from 2-3-2006 to 2-3-2011. It was not an admissible document, because it required
registration. The complainant filed Ex. A2 a Xerox copy of project information
document for Rajiv Internet Center supplied by 1
services. The complainant appointed one computer operator at the center on a
monthly salary of Rs. 3,000/- and also a Sweeper for Rs. 200/- p.m as monthly
salary. He took telephone connection along with Internet connection to run the
center for 64 items mentioned in Ex. A2. Apart from it the complainant spent
Rs. 82,000/- towards furniture and Rs. 10,000/- towards internal decoration of the
building. He filed Ex. A9 a receipt issued by Sri Venkateswara Flywood and
Furniture, Kadapa for Rs. 80,000/- for purchasing of chairs and tables and other
material to the building.
17. The complainant alleged that the opposite parties provided only one
single service i.e. collection of electricity bills from the electricity consumers and
failed to provide the remaining 63 services as shown in the Ex. A2. The complainant
filed Ex. A3 a Xerox copy of pamphlet issued by opposite party No. 2 regarding self
employment opportunity under Rajiv Internet (e-Sava Centers). He filed Ex. A4 Xerox
copy of paper clippings starting Rajiv Internet Centers under self employment
programme. Ex. A5 was a Xerox copy of letter from opposite party No. 2 about the
C.C. No. 115 of 2008st opposite party to operate 6410
project information document i.e. Ex. A2. The complainant spent Rs. 23,500/-
towards telephone bills, Internet charges and electricity charges from march 2006 till
the date of filing of the complaint. Ex. A10 was bunch of telephone bills. He filed
Ex.A11 a bunch of stamped vouchers for payment of house rent to the building
where the internet center was started. The complainant approached the opposite
parties that they have not provided all 64 services mentioned in Ex. A2 and so he
requested to refund of Rs. 1,96,000/- with interest @ 24% p.a. from the date of
deposit till payment and Rs. 10,000/- towards advance to the building from March
2006 and Rs. 1,50,000/- towards loss of earning totaling Rs. 4,64,880/- and also
furniture cost, a computer operator salary, internet telephone charges and monthly
rent along with interest. To that effect the complainant got issued a notice to the
opposite parties 1 to 3 on 4-2-2008. The office copy of the registered notice was Ex.
A6. The opposite party No. 1 under Ex.A7 sent a reply on 26-2-2008. He filed Ex. A8
letter from opposite party No. 2 requesting to deposit Franchise and license fees for
conformation of the project.
18. The opposite parties argued that M/s Bharath Electronics Limited (BEL)
teamed up with opposite party No. 1 under Teaming up agreement dt. 15-12-2004
and in terms of it a consortium agreement dt. 31-8-2005 was entered between BEL
and opposite party No. 1 agreeing interalia to submit a bid for the Rajiv Internet
Project. The Consortium submitted its bid for the project with BEL as prime bidder.
It was accepted by Government of Andhra Pradesh and the Rajiv Project was awarded
to the Consortium. Later BEL entered into agreement on 01-9-2005 with
Government of Andhra Pradesh. Ex. B1 was Xerox copy of Teaming up agreement.
Ex. B2 was the Xerox copy of contract dt. 31-8-2005 between BEL and opposite
party No. 1. Ex. B3 was the Xerox copy of contract between BEL and
Commissionerate of Electronically Deliverable Services (e-sava) Department of
information Technology and communications Department, Government of Andhra
C.C. No. 115 of 200811
Pradesh, Hyderabad for Design, Development, Testing, implementation, operation
and maintenance of Rajiv Internet village Centers. In Ex. A2 at page – 4 under item 4
“Locations available for setting up kiosks”, it was mentioned that at present
Government of Andhra Pradesh had identified various services that would be
rendered in rural areas which were listed in table (2). The table (2) in Ex. A2 was
probable income for a model kiosk for 64 services. More over it was further noted
under the said item that currently only a few services were being enabled by the
government. Efforts were on to introduce the other services in a phased manner. It
would take some time before those services were added. Efforts were on to market
and introduce new private services other than those listed by the Government. In the
same Ex. A2 at page 6 under item 8 “Revenue and Profitability” it was noted that the
Government of Andhra Pradesh had a sample income and expenditure table (Table -
2) to give an idea of what kind of business could be expected to happen at the Kiosk.
The figures were purely indicatory and were estimated for a progressive village. The
Department of EDS, Government of Andhra Pradesh, BEL and Radiant would actively
pursue marketing effort to bring in as many new services as possible, to increase the
revenue at the Kiosk level. Therefore, there was no promise from the opposite parties
to provide all 64 services mentioned in the table shown in Ex. A2. In view of Ex. A2
as discussed earlier the service would be provided by the Government of Andhra
Pradesh, BEL and the Opposite parties.
19. The BEL had not renewed bank guarantee and so it was expired on
10-7-2006 in view of the meager income from the Kiosks. The government of Andhra
Pradesh had not agreed to the proposal of BEL for “corporate guarantee” in lieu of
“bank guarantee”. Therefore, the Govt. of Andhra Pradesh addressed a letter to the
Govt. of India to intervene to advise M/s Bharath Electronics Ltd., to exit voluntarily
from the Rajiv Internet Scheme. The Xerox copy of letter addressed by the
Government of Andhra Pradesh to the Government of India was Ex. B4, dt. 18-1-
2007. Ex. B5 was Xerox copy of letter from Government of India dt. 1-2-2007that the
C.C. No. 115 of 200812
scheme could not be implemented successfully and the State was keen to undertake
establishment of (CSC) Common Service Center Programme under CSC programe of
Govt. of India and requested the agencies with whom they had contracted earlier to
make a clean exit from the schemes so that the new bid process could take place and
M/s BEL could submit a bid in a new process. Ex. B6 was a Xerox copy of minutes
for common service centers issued by Government of India, regarding implementation
of the programme for Common Service Centers in Andhra Pradesh. Ex. B7 was Xerox
copy of letter from opposite party No. 1 to M/s BEL, Bangalore regarding the Rajiv
Project, dt. 25-7-2007. Ex. B8 was a Xerox copy of letter from opposite party No. 1
to BEL, Bangalore. Ex. B9 was a Xerox copy of letter from Opposite party No. 1 to
BEL, Bangalore that it was decided by the Secretary (DP) in consultation with
Government of Andhra Pradesh representative that BEL / Radiant should withdraw
from the current project. Hence, it would not matter to them whether it was
acceptable to BEL / Radiant. Ex. B10 was Xerox copy of notice issued by opposite
party No. 1. to the Government of Andhra Pradesh. Ex. B11 Xerox copy of reply from
the Government of Andhra Pradesh to opposite party No. 1 through the advocate of
opposite party No. 1 that there was no agreement signed between Government of
Andhra Pradesh and BEL and the opposite party No. 1 was not a party in it. Ex.
B12 was Xerox copy of the notice issued by opposite party No. 1 to the Government of
Andhra Pradesh. Ex. B13 was Xerox copy of letter from Government of Andhra
Pradesh to the Convener, State Wide Rajiv Internet Villages Organization, Kanigiri,
Prakasam District that the interest of Rajiv operators through the scheme were being
taken care of.
20. The Ex. B14 was Xerox copy of letter from opposite party No. 1 to the
complainant that the complainant created templates of University marks cards and
Secondary school certificates which was created false documents and making
unlawful gain and to that effect there was substantial and sufficient proof available
and infrastructure was misused for unlawful gain. Therefore, franchise agreement
C.C. No. 115 of 200813
was terminated with immediate effect, without prejudice to the legal rights of the
opposite party No. 1. The complainant had not proved with evidence contrary to Ex.
B14 that he was not creating false document for unlawful gain. Therefore, his
franchise agreement was terminated with effect from 9-2-2008.
21. Apart from it the opposite party No. 1 supplied a computer, printer,
scanner, web camera, U.P.S and other accessories as admitted by the complainant in
his complaint, to operate the center. They were still in possession and enjoyment of
the complainant. While enjoying the articles supplied by the opposite party No. 1 the
complainant claimed his deposit amount of Rs. 1,96,000/-. It was against the public
policy spending of amount for decoration and furniture was his own wish. There
was no compulsion from opposite party to arrange the building in a large scale
fashion. Though the opposite party No. 1 terminated the agreement under Ex. B14,
the complainant was running internet for his wrongful gain to which services the
opposite parties were not responsible and were not liable. Therefore, there was no
deficiency of service on the part of the opposite parties.
22. The complainant relied on II (1996) CPJ 88 (NC) Cheema Engineering
Services Vs. Rajan Singh. It was held that the goods purchased for the machinery for
purpose of earning livelihood was not a disqualification seeking protection under C.P.
Act. A person who purchased a machine to operate himself for earning his livelihood
would be a consumer. In 2003 (1) ALD Cons. 21 Super Veg Farms Pvt. Ltd.,
Gajuwaka, Visakhapatnam and another Vs. Royal Farms Agro projects Consultancy
Division, Visakhpatnam and others, the opposite parties agreed to extend marketing
consultancy service for selling 10,000 super veg cards within a period of 100 – 150
days and in case of poor response they agreed to assist the complainants i n
marketing a minimum viable number of 3000 cards. The complainant agreed to pay
consultancy fee to the opposite parties. The opposite parties failed to assist in selling
C.C. No. 115 of 200814
a minimum number of 3000 cards and there was deficiency of service on the part of
the opposite parties. Hence, it was held the opposite parties were directed to pay a
sum of Rs. 11 lakhs to the complainant with interest @ 18% p.a. from the date of
filing of the complaint till realization and costs of Rs. 5,000/-. In 1986 -99
Consumer 4572 (NS) Tata Engineering and Locomotive Co. Ltd., and another Vs.
Gajanan Y. Mandrekar. It was held the respondent was Civil Contractor bought
tripper truck for earning his livelihood. Whether it was for commercial purpose or
self occupation. It was self occupation to earn his livelihood. The rulings cited by
the complainant are not applicable to the present facts of the case. The Franchise
agreement was terminated under Ex. B14 by saying that the opposite party No. 1 had
sufficient proof in respect of misuse of infrastructure and facilities provided and
making unlawful gain by creating templates of university marks cards and secondary
school certificates. It was using for creating false documents. Even after termination
the complainant was running the Internet at S. Mydukur. There was no provision
any where in Ex. A2 that 64 services were provided to the complainant. Therefore,
there was no deficiency of service or negligence on the part of the opposite parties
including unfair trade practice. Thus the points are answered accordingly.
23. Point No. 3 In the result, the complaint is dismissed without costs.
Dictated to the Stenographer, transcribed by him, corrected and pronounced
by us in the open forum, this the 25
Witnesses examined.
For Complainant : NIL For Respondent : NIL
Exhibits marked for Complainant : -
Ex. A1 X/c of bills (6 bills) issued by R2 on different dates.
Ex. A2 X/c of Project information document.
Ex. A3 X/c of Rewarding Self Employment opportunity issued by R2.
Ex. A4 X/c of paper clippings.
Ex. A5 X/c of letter of Project information document, dt. 12-11-2005.
Ex. A6 X/c of notice from complainant’s advocate to the opposite parties,
dt. 4-2-2008.
C.C. No. 115 of 2008th February 200915
Ex. A7 X/c copy of reply notice from R1 to complainant’s advocate,
dt. 26-2-2008
Ex. A8 X/c of letter from R2 to complainant, dt. 11-1-2006.
Ex. A9 Bill issued by Sri Venkateswara Flywoods & Furniture in
favour of complainant, dt. 5-3-2006.
Ex. A10 Bunch of telephone bills.
Ex. A11 Bunch of stamped vouchers towards house rent.
Exhibits marked for Respondents: -
Ex. B1 X/c of Teaming up agreement, dt. 15-12-2004.
Ex. B2 X/c of contract dt. 31-8-2005 between BEL and opposite party No. 1.
Ex. B3 X/c of contract between BEL and Commissionerate of Electronically
Deliverable Services (e-sava) Department of information Technology.
Ex. B4 X/c of letter from Principal Secretary to Govt. Information Technology,
A.P. to Addl. Secretary, Ministry of Communications, New Delhi,
dt. 18-1-2007.
Ex. B5 X/c of letter from Addl. Secretary, Ministry of Communications and
Information Tech., dt. 1-2-2007.
Ex. B6 X/c of Common Service centers FWD of Minutes, dt. 25-5-2007.
Ex. B7 X/c of letter issued by R1, dt. 25-7-2007.
Ex. B8 X/c of letter from R1, dt. 27-7-2007 to BEL.
Ex. B9 X/c of letter from R1 to BEL, Bangalore, dt. 27-7-2007.
Ex. B10 X/c of reply notice from R1’s advocate to the Commissioner of EDS
(e-sava), Hyderabad ,dt. 01-8-2007.
Ex. B11 X/c of letter from Commissioner of EDS (e-sava), Hyderabad to R1’s
Advocate, ,dt. 16-8-2007.
Ex. B12 X/c of letter to Commissioner of EDS (e-sava), Hyderabad from
R1’s Advocate, ,dt. 21-9-2007.
Ex. B13 X/c of letter from Joint Director, IT&C Department, Hyderabad, A.P. to
Convener, State Wide Rajiv Internet Villages Organisatiion, Prakasam
Dist. Dt. 20-6-2007.
Ex. B14 X/c of letter from R1 to complainant dt. 9-2-2008.
Copy to :-
1) Sri K. Upendraiah, Advocate, D.No. 13-182, Rangachary Street,
2) Sri V. Adinarayana Reddy, Advocate, DUA Associates, DUA
House, Plot No. 187-A, Road No. 13, Jublee Hills, Hyd. – 33.
1) Copy was made ready on :
2) Copy was dispatched on :
3) Copy of delivered to parties :
B.V.P. - - -
C.C. No. 115 of 2008
Y.R.N. Suresh Babu, S/o Reddy Narasimhulu,
Erraguntla Mandal and Post, Kadapa District. ….. Complainant.
1) RADIANT INFOSYSTEM (P) Ltd., Hyderabad, Rep. by its
Director, 2227/1, Divi No. 52A, 9
Bangalore – 560 070 India.
III Floor, room No. 301, Near V.I.P. Show room,
Ameerpet, Hyderabad.
C/o Rajeev Internet Village, D.No. 24/52, Near Old Bus stand,
Jammalamadugu, Kadapa district. ….. Respondents.
presence of Sri K. Upendraiah, Advocate, Chittoor for complainant and Sri V.
(Per Sri P.V. Nageswara Rao, President),
1. Complaint filed under section 12 of the Consumer Protection Act 1986.
2. The brief facts of the complaint is as follows:- The complainant was an
educated un-employee approached the opposite parties to start franchise to operate
Rajiv Internet Center at S. Mydukur village, Kadapa district under self employment
for his livelihood in view of the publicity made by opposite parties 1 & 2 on behalf of
the Radiant Info system (P) Ltd., calling upon intending persons to operate Rajiv
Internet Centers at various places. The project was initiated by Govt. of Andhra
new company Radgove solutions Pvt. Ltd., at Hyderabad which was 100% subsidiary
of Radiant Infosystems (P) Ltd., The new company was to implement Rajiv project.
Opposite parties agreed to provide Internet Village centers at S. Mydukur village and