C.C. No. 55 of 2009th June 2009rd floor,2
satisfy the cheques sent by R1 towards instalments. Due to ill health, the
complainant could not maintain the balance in his postal account for a few months.
Suddenly around 8.30 p.m on 29-10-2008 about 5 to 7 members under the pretext of
recovery squad from R2 came to the complainant and high handedly took away the
two wheeler bearing registration No. Ap 04 L : 3131. On account of it the
complainant lost his prestige in the locality, on the next day the complainant
approached the R1 and informed about seizure of the vehicle by R2. The R1
informed that the complainant had to pay Rs. 24,600/- towards finance amount.
The complainant went to the Post Office and checked the payment made by him
through cheques. On verification the respondents received 16 cheques of
Rs. 1,440/- each totaling Rs. 23,040/- till September 2008. It was informed to R1
and the complainant represented that he had to pay the amount for four cheques.
R1 demanded for payment of Rs. 24,600/-. The complainant cleared 16 cheques
and he had to pay Rs. 11,520/- i.e. Rs. 1,440 X 8 as the remaining amount. The
complainant was ready to pay the amount towards final settlement. The R1 did not
agree but demanded more amount. Atlast the complainant approached R2 & R3 and
ultimately he got issued notice dt. 13-2-2009 calling upon respondents to receive the
balance amount of Rs. 11,520/- and deliver the vehicle and also pay Rs. 30,000/-
towards damages. The respondents did not give any reply. Therefore, the complaint
was filed directing the respondents to receive Rs. 11,520/- and delivery the vehicle to
the complainant and pay Rs. 30,000/- towards compensation for mental agony and
Rs. 2,000/- towards costs.
3. The R1 filed a counter adopted by R2 & R3 with a memo. The total
invoice value of the Yamaha Crux two wheeler was Rs. 37,300/- but not Rs. 30,500/-
as mentioned by the complainant. It was not correct that the complainant paid
Rs. 10,500/- towards down payment as per the instruction of the agent of R1. The
complainant paid Rs. 10,164/- and Rs. 839/- was deducted towards up front
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financial charges (processing fee) and remaining was towards initial payment. The
complainant did not pay Rs. 10,500/- towards down payment. The respondents had
no knowledge that the agent of the R1 got opened S.B. Account in the name of the
complainant in Head Post Office, Kadapa and took cheuqe book in the name of the
complainant. It was not correct that the agent of R1 obtained 24 cheques for
Rs. 1,440/- each instead of 20 cheques without informing the complainant. It was
not correct that the complainant did not observe the number of cheques in cheque
book. The complainant had to prove that he was remitting cash in Head Post office to
satisfy the cheques sent by the R1. It was not correct that 5 to 7 persons of the R1
came to the complainant on 29-10-2008 around 8.30 p.m stating that they were
recovery squad from R2 and took away the two wheeler high handedly. The vehicle
was seized on 30-10-2008 but not on 29-10-2008. It was not correct that the staff of
R2 expressed that the complainant had to pay due of Rs. 24,600/-. The complainant
signed on the proceedings at the time of seizure of the vehicle on 30-10-2008. The
complainant availed a loan of Rs. 27,975/- and executed hypothecation loan
agreement. The complainant availed Rs. 27,975/- on 8-8-2006 repayable with
interest @ 11.75% which was equivalent to Rs. 6,571/- and the total amount was
Rs. 34,560/-. It was payable in 24 monthly instalments @ Rs. 1,440/- p.m. The first
instalment was commenced on 7-9-2006 and the last instalment was on 7-8-2008.
About 10 cheques out of 24 cheques were honoured for Rs. 23,040/-. The remaining
8 cheques were dishonoured for Rs. 11,520/-. Thus the balance due amount was
Rs. 11,520/- towards 8 installments. The complainant was liable to pay Rs. 200/-
towards cheque return charges. The complainant agreed to pay 2.5% p.m on the
outstanding instalments. 8 Cheques were presented by the complainant were
dishonoured and hence, the complainant was liable to pay 2.5% p.m on the
outstanding insalments. The complainant was a chronic defaulter. The vehicle was
seized on 30-10-2008 and so he was liable to pay Rs. 5/- per day for parking charges
up to 23-5-2009 i.e. Rs. 1025/-. The complainant had to bind on the conditions laid
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in the hypothecation agreement. There was no deficiency of service on the part of the
respondents. Thus the complaint may be dismissed with costs. Hypothecation was
not a statutory creation. Under hypothecation, charge had been created. In view of
hypothecation the goods hypothecated should be taken into possession. Thus the
complainant had to approach Civil Court of law for his rights under mercantile
agreement. The District Forum, Kadapa had no correct jurisdiction.
4. On the basis of the above pleadings the following points are settled for
i. Whether there is any negligence and deficiency of service on the
part of the respondents?
ii. Whether the complainant is entitled to the relief as prayed for?
iii. To what relief?
5. On behalf of the complainant Ex. A1 to A8 were examined and on behalf
of the respondents Ex. B1 to B6 were marked. No written arguments have been filed
by either party.
6. Point No. 1 & 2 The complainant purchased one Yamaha Crux two
wheeler on 8-8-2006 for Rs. 37,300/- financed by R1 and paid Rs. 10,500/- towards
down payment and agreed to pay Rs. 1,440/- each by way of cheques and gave 24
cheques to the agent of R1 and requested him to withdraw Rs. 1,440/- each by way
of cheque and pay to the R1. The account was opened in head Post office, Kadapa.
By September 2008, the complainant paid Rs. 23,040/- by way of 16 cheques of
Rs. 1,440/- each. It was informed to R1. The complainant represented that he had
to pay only the amount under four cheques i.e. total 20 cheques of Rs. 1,440/- each
instead of 24 cheques. But R1 demanded Rs. 24,600/- towards finance due. In
complaint para – 4 and p a r a – 5 and in prayer Column under para – 9 the
complainant admitted that he had to pay balance amount of Rs. 11,520/- towards
final settlement under 8 cheques of Rs. 1,440/- each. So the total recovery was
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under 24 cheques as alleged by the respondent but not 20 cheques as stated by the
complainant. While so on 29-10-2008 some people named as recovery squad from
R2 came to the complainant and high handedly took away the two wheeler bearing
registration No. AP 04 L : 3231. The respondents contended that it was not taken
into possession high handedly but it was with the consent of the complainant by way
of consent letter under Ex. B5, dt. 21-10-2008. The vehicle was seized on
30-10-2008 by way of letter obtained from the complainant under Ex. B6. Ex. B5
and B6 were Xerox copies of consent letter and seizure letter. At the time of
purchase the R1 took a pro-note for Rs. 27,975/- with interest @ 11.75%. The Xerox
copy of pro-note dt. 8-8-2006 was Ex. B3. Ex. B2 was Xerox copy of loan cum
hypothecation agreement executed by the complainant in which also the cost of the
vehicle was shown as Rs. 27,975/- and monthly installments were 24 payable by way
of cheques for Rs. 1,440/- each commenced with first insalment on 7-9-2006 and
last instalment was on 7-8-2008. The Xerox copy of loan cum hypothecation
agreement was Ex. B2, which was also singed by the complainant.
7. The respondents filed Ex. B1 a Xerox copy of ledger account extract. The
complainant filed Ex. A1 delivery certificate of the two wheeler. Ex. A2 is the copy of
account extract issued by head Post office, Kadapa for S.B. Account of the
complainant. Ex. A6 was Xerox copy of postal saving pass book. Ex. A3 was office
copy of registered notice. Ex. A4 was postal receipt and Ex. A5 was postal
8. The respondents claimed Rs. 20,465-40Ps as on 23-5-2009 as due
amount from the complainant under heads payable cheques of 8 X 1,440/- =
Rs. 11,520/-, Cheque return charges Rs. 200/- each = Rs. 1600/-, additional
finance charges @ 2.5% p.m = Rs. 6,320-40Ps, parking charges @ Rs. 5/- per day
from 30-10-2008 to 23-5-2009 of Rs. 1,025/-. In view of Ex. B5 & B6 the
respondents took possession of the vehicle by way of seizure with consent of the
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complainant. More over the complainant was in due of the loan availed from R1 i.e.
Rs. 11,520/-. The same was admitted by the respondents in their counter. In
complaint the complainant filed the complaint directing the respondents to receive
Rs. 11,520/- from him and deliver the vehicle. The complainant would have
deposited the said amount at the time of filing of the complaint to prove his bonafides
in the forum. But he did not do so. He would have at least sent the said amount by
way of D.D. to the respondents before filing of the complaint and it was also not
done. The respondents did not file any letter from the Head Post Office, Kadapa that
8 cheques were dishonoured with sufficient reasons. Therefore, the respondents are
not entitled for Rs. 200/- per cheque as cheque return charges totaling Rs. 1,600/-.
When the vehicle was seized in view of hypothecation the financier would become the
owner of the vehicle and hence, there was no scope to pay any parking charges by
loan borrower to the financier who would became the owner until all the instalments
were repaid. The claiming of parking charges would not arise. The owner of the
vehicle would keep the vehicle in his parking place of the house and hence to whom
the owner would pay the parking charges. It is the question?. Therefore, payment of
parking charges would not arise. Since the respondents failed to prove that the
cheques were dishonoured, there was no scope to them to claim 2.5% as additional
finance charges per month. The respondents had no scope to claim all these charges
by way of counter without paying any court fee in a separate complaint. As the
complainant admitted to pay Rs. 11,520/- it was his duty to deposit the amount as
discussed earlier. The respondents had not issued any notice to the complainant to
pay Rs. 11,520/- and take back the vehicle. The financier would generally reject to
receive the amount in lupsum from the borrower, with a view to get some unlawful
gain. When the complainant approached the respondents to receive the amount they
rejected. Thus there is deficiency of service on the part of the respondents. Hence,
the points are answered accordingly.
C.C. No. 55 of 20097
9. Point No. 3 In the result, the complaint is allowed, directing the
complainant to pay Rs. 11,520/- (Rupees Eleven Thousand five hundred and twenty
only) by way of D.D within 30 days from the date of receipt of this order to the
respondents who are directed to deliver the vehicle to the complainant after taking
acknowledgement, immediately on receipt of the D.D from him. The complainant is
not entitled to any compensation and costs.
Dictated to the Stenographer, transcribed by him, corrected and pronounced
by us in the open forum, this the 29
Witnesses examined.
For Complainant NIL For Respondent : NIL
Exhibits marked for Complainant : -
Ex. A1 Delivery certificate issued by Yamaha Janatha Automotives,
dt. 8-8-2006.
Ex. A2 Copy of ledger of S.A. Kahleel Ahamed.
Ex. A3 X/c of legal notice dt. 13-2-2009 from complainant’s advocate to
Ex. A4 Regd. Post slip Nos. 2996 to 2998.
Ex. A5 Two postal acknowledgement cards.
Ex. A6 X/c of S.B. Passbook issued in favour of S.A. Kahleel Ahamed.
Ex. A7 X/c of Discharge summary issued by Vijaya Health Center.
Ex. A8 X/c of Registration certificated issued by RTA, Kadapa.
Exhibits marked for Respondents: -
Ex. B1 Copy of history sub-ledger issued by R1.
Ex. B2 X/c of loan cum Hypothecation agreement, dt. 8-8-2006.
Ex. B3 X/c of demand promissory note.
Ex. B4 X/c of receipt in bank form.
Ex. B5 X/c of consent letter, dt. 21-10-2008.
Ex. B6 X/c of seizure letter dt. 30-10-2008.
Copy to :-
1) Sri G. Trivikram Singh, Advocate.
3) Sri M. Sudhakar Babjee, Advocae.
1) Copy was made ready on :
2) Copy was dispatched on :
3) Copy of delivered to parties :
B.V.P. - - -
C.C. No. 55 of 2009th June 2009
aged 43 years, D.No. 5/151, Nabikota, Akkayapalli,
Kadapa, Kadapa District. ….. Complainant.
1) Shriram City Union Finance Ltd., Rep. by its
Kadapa District.
2) Asst. General Manager, Shiram City Union Finance Ltd.,
zonal Office, Near Rayalcheruvu Road, Tirupati.
Anand Estates, Liberty Road, Opp. Indian Bank,
Himayatnagar, Hyderabad. ….. Respondents.
presence of Sri G. Trivikram Singh, Advocate for complainant and Sri M. Sudhakar
Babjee, Advocate for respondents and upon perusing the material papers on record,
(Per Sri P.V. Nageswara Rao, President),
1. Complaint filed under section 12 of the Consumer Protection Act 1986.
2. The brief facts of the complaint is as follows:- The complainant
purchased one Yamaha Crux two wheeler worth about Rs. 30,500/- on 8-8-2006
with finance availed from R1. The complainant had paid Rs. 10,500/- towards down
payment and R1 provided finance for the balance amount. The agent of R1 got
opened S.B Account in the name of the complainant at Head Post Office, Kadapa and
informed that R1 would encash cheque for Rs. 1,440/- each. The agent of R1
Rs. 1,440/- each. But he received 24 cheques instead of 20 cheques without
informing the complainant. The complainant did not observe the same. The