


Mst. Radhika Agrawal - Complainant(s)


1. The Oriental Insurance Co. Ltd Represented through the Sr. Divisional Manager, - Opp.Party(s)

19 Feb 2024


District Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission, Sambalpur
Near, SBI Main Branch, Sambalpur
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Miscellaneous Application No. MA/10/2023
( Date of Filing : 17 Oct 2023 )
Complaint Case No. CC/16/2022
1. Mst. Radhika Agrawal
W/o-Late Rajesh Kumar Agrawal Resident of Balaji Heritate, B-23, Nr. Doordarshan Colony. V.S.S.Marg, Sambalpur-768001
1. 1. The Oriental Insurance Co. Ltd Represented through the Sr. Divisional Manager,
At-VSS Marg, Sambalpur-768001
 HON'BLE MR. Dr. Ramakanta Satapathy PRESIDENT
 HON'BLE MR. Sadananda Tripathy MEMBER
Dated : 19 Feb 2024
Final Order / Judgement


                                                                                Misc. Case No. 10/2023

                                                          Arising Out of C.C. Case No. 16/2022


Mst. Radhika Agrawal, aged about 44 years,

W/o-Late Rajesh Kumar Agrawal

Resident of Balaji Heritate, B-23, Nr. Doordarshan Colony.

V.S.S.Marg, Sambalpur-768001                                   ...………..Complainant


  1. The Oriental Insurance Co. Ltd

Represented through the Sr. Divisional Manager,

At-VSS Marg, Sambalpur-768001

  1. Mr. Subhashis Sarkar, Development Officer, Retd.

Oriental Insurance Co.Ltd.

R/O- Balaji Heitate, Block A 2nd floor

Nr. Doordarsan Colony, V.S.S. Marg,

Sambalpur- 768001.                                            .…………...Opp.Parties


Order dated 19.02.2024


          This review petition filed u/s 40 of the consumer Protection Act, 2019 with a prayer to review the order dated 04.04.2022 in C.C. Case No. 16 of 2022 of this Commission. The contention of the petitioner is that the C.C. Case No. 16 of 2022 was posted to 18.09.2023 for judgement and liberty was given to file written argument within 7 days from 28.08.2023. The Judgement was published on 03.10.2023 and in the judgement written argument and citations bunch was not attached to case record due to a clerical error. In case the argument and citation not taken into consideration the petitioner will be highly prejudiced.

Notice was issued to the O.Ps but the O.Ps not filed any show-cause.

Perused the written argument and citation filed by the petitioner. The Petitioner cited II(1992) CPJ(NC)-716 and II(1995) CPJ-I(NC). At the time of renewal of the policy it was the duty of O.Ps to examine the policy but in order to gain a policy without ascertaining the existence of the insured it entered into insurance policy which proves the negligence and deficiency in service of O.Ps.

No doubt there is no existence of insurance contract after death of Rajesh Kumar Agrawal and there is no any need to review the earlier order dated 03.10.2023 of the Commission. In the other hand as the O.Ps acted negligently this Commission is of view that the O.Ps are liable for deficiency in service and negligence. Accordingly, it is ordered that the O.Ps are jointly and severally liable compensation of Rs. 1,00,000/- and litigation expenses of Rs. 20,000/- within one month of this order, failing which the O.Ps shall liable to pay 12 % interest P.A. from date of filing till realisation. Order dated 03.10.2023 of this Commission reviewed accordingly and modified to the extent discussed Supra.


  -Sd/-                                                                                -Sd/-

Member                                                                President.

[HON'BLE MR. Dr. Ramakanta Satapathy]
[HON'BLE MR. Sadananda Tripathy]

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