Mannam Padmaja, wife of Manikyarao alias Manikyala Rao,S/o Kotaiah filed a consumer case on 23 Aug 2017 against 1. The Branch Manager, L.I.C. of India in the Nellore Consumer Court. The case no is CC/11/2016 and the judgment uploaded on 07 Sep 2017.
Date of Filing :21-01-2016
Date of Disposal:23-08-2017
Wednesday, this the 23rd day of AUGUST, 2017
Present: Sri Sk.Mohd.Ismail, M.A., LL.B., President
Sri K. Umamaheswara Rao, M.A., B.L., Member
Sri M. Subbarayudu Naidu, B.Com., B.L., LL.M., Member
Mannam Padmaja,
W/o.Manikyarao @ Manikyala Rao,
S/o.Kotaiah, Resident of 19/144,
Kamati Street,
Chinna Bazar, Nellore City. ..… Complainant
1. | The Branch Manager, L.I.C. of India, City Branch-1, Dargamitta, Nellore.
2. | The Divisional Manager, L.I.C. of India, Dargamitta, Nellore. ..…Opposite parties |
This complaint coming on 18-08-2017 before us for hearing in the presence of Sri Eduru Bhaskaraiah, advocate for the complainant and Sri A.V. Murali Krishna, advocate for the opposite parties and having stood over for consideration till this day and this Forum made the following:
The complainant filed this complaint under Section-12 of Consumer Protection Act, 1986 to direct the opposite parties for payment of Rs.5,00,000/- towards the assured sum due under the said policy No.843279549, dated 28-08-2008 along with bonus and interest @ 12 % p.a. over the said amount from the date of the death of the insured i.e., 26-04-2011 and also damages and compensation of Rs.1,00,000/- jointly and severally and for costs of the complaint and submits to allow the complaint with costs.
2. The brief averments of the complaint are as follows that; the complainant is the wife of Late Mannam Manikya Rao and the said Manikya Rao obtained three policies bearing Nos.843279549 on 28-08-2008, No.843296891 on 14-07-2010 and No.843298724 on 16-08-2010 for Rs.5,00,000/- each by paying necessary premiums and the opposite party have issued valid policies in favour of the said Manikya Rao. Under the said three policies, the name of the complainant is shown as nominee.
3. The complainant submits that while the said policies are inforce, the said Manikya Rao died on 26-04-2011 at Nellore due to heart attack. After his death, the complainant submitted original of three policies, death certificate and also the family members certificate before the 1st opposite party for payment of the amount covered under the said three policies. The 1st opposite party has been postponing the payment covered under the said three policies on some pretext or the other. The complainant has been approaching the office of both the opposite parties for policies amount. Three days prior to 23-05-2015, the 1st opposite party had orally informed the complainant that the complainant is not entitled for the said amounts and they failed to give any letter repudiating the claim of the complainant. Thus there is a clear deficiency of service on the part of opposite parties and failed to render the services properly. The complainant issued legal notice on 23-05-2015 to opposite parties 1 and 2 calling upon them to pay the assured sum of Rs.5,00,000/- each under the said three policies, bonus alongwith interest at 12% p.a. from the date of the death of insured Mannam Manikya Rao on 26-04-2011 and also for damages and inspite of receiving of the notice, the opposite parties failed to pay the policy amount of Rs.5,00,000/- under the policy No.843279549, hence the complainant filed this complaint claiming sum under the policy bearing No.843279549, dated 28-08-2008 with bonus and interest from the date of the death of the insured, for awarding of damages and for costs of the complaint and submits to allow the complaint with costs.
4. The opposite party No.2 filed written version and the opposite party No.1 filed memo adopting written version filed by the opposite party No.2 with the following averments:
It is true that the deceased / life assured Mannam Manikya Rao had obtained the policy bearing No.843279549 on 28-08-2008 during his life time for a sum assured Rs.5,00,000/- with the 1st opposite party branch, that with half yearly mode on payment of premium, that the deceased nominated his wife / complaint Smt.M. Padmaja as nominee of the said policy that he died on 26-04-2011. This opposite parties submit that the above said policy was lapsed due to non-payment of premium due to 28-08-2009 and the same has got revived on 27-10-2010 by paying premium on the strength of personal statement regarding health dated 06-07-2010 and also medical reports. Based on the declaration by the life assured, lapsed policy has revived.
5. The policy holder / life assured Manikya Rao died on 26-04-2011 i.e., the death occurred within two years i.e., 5 months 29 days from the date of revival (27-10-2010) i.e., an early death the opposite parties investigated and came to know that the deceased life assured admitted in SVIMS, Tirupathi on 08-06-2006 and diagnosed with “Carcinoma Cacum” and also undergone “Hemi Colectony” operation on 10-06-2006 and discharged on 26-06-2006 and also treated in the said hospital from 04-07-2006 to 08-07-2006 . These material facts with regard to health was not disclosed at the time of proposal dated 28-08-2008 i.e., prior obtained to the policy.
6. The opposite parties further submits that the deceased life assured had taken treatment as out patient on 19-08-2008 in Narayana Medical College and Hospital, Nellore as inpatient from 08-09-2008 and discharged on 12-09-2008. The said material facts with regard to health was also not disclosed even at the time of revival (27-10-2010) of the said policy in his personal statement with regard to health declaration on 06-07-2010. Thus the above the life assured Manikya Rao (deceased) suppressed the material facts regarding health at the time of revival of the said policy and also at the time of taking of policy i.e., on 28-08-2008. The opposite party submits that as the insured suppressed the material facts, the policy issued in favour of the insured was repudiated and intimated the same to the complainant under registered post dated 28-03-2015 and hence as there is no deficiency of service and as the policy was repudiated, they submits for dismissal of the complaint against the opposite parties 1 and 2 and submits for the dismissal of the complaint with costs.
7. On behalf of the complainant, P.W.1 was examined and Exs.A1 to A6 marked.
8. On behalf of the opposite parties R.W.1 was examined and Exs.B1 toB5 marked.
9. The complainant was examined as P.W.1 and on behalf of the opposite party No.2 R.W.1 was examined.
Ex.A1 is photo copy of policy bearing No.843279549, Ex.A2 death certificate of Mannam Manikya Rao, Ex.A3 photocopy of family member certificate, Ex.A4 is photo copy of Aadhar card, Ex.A5 is office copy of legal notice dated 23-05-2015, Ex.A6 is the served postal acknowledgements of opposite parties 1 and 2, Ex.B1 is photo copy of proposal form, Ex.B2 is photocopy of personal statement of regarding health (Revival of lapsed policies both the medical and non-medical basis), Ex.B3 is photo copy of history of premium transaction, Ex.B4 is photo copy of reply notice dated 28-03-2015, Ex.B5 is photocopy of discharge summary issued by Narayana Hospital, Chinthareddypalem, Nellore.
10. On behalf of both parties written arguments filed. Perused the written arguments filed on behalf of both parties.
11. Arguments on behalf of learned counsels for both parties heard.
12. Now the points for consideration are:
13. POINTS No.1 AND 2 : Both these two points are taken up together for our consideration as both points are interrelated.
The learned counsel for the complainant submits by relying upon Exs.A1 to A6 that the husband of the complainant was taken three policies from the opposite parties and died on 26-04-2011 and inspite of issuing of legal notice on 23-05-2015, the opposite parties 1 and 2 did not pay the policy amount and hence as the opposite parties repudiated the claim, there is deficiency of service on the part of opposite parties 1 and 2 and hence the complainant filed this complaint against opposite parties 1 and 2 for recovery of policy amount and submits to allow the complaint with costs.
On the other hand, the learned counsel for the opposite parties 1 and 2 submits by relying upon Exs.B1 to B3 that the insured join in policy on 28-08-2008 and before joining the insured took treatment in SVIMS, Tirupathi in the month of June, 2006 and the husband of the complainant was diagnosed with Carcinoma Cacum and operated for Hemi Colectomy in the month of June, 2006 and the husband of the complainant also undergone Chemotherapy in SVIMS Hospital, Tirupathi and the said policy bearing No.843279549 was lapsed on 28-08-2009 and the said policy was revived on 27-10-2010 and inspite of undergone surgery, the husband of the complainant did not mention the same as on 28-08-2008 or as on the date of revival of policy on 27-10-2010 and as the assured was suppressed the material fact that he undergone surgery in SVIMS Hospital, Tirupathi and also further treatment in Narayana Hospital, Chinthareddypalem, Nellore, the policy of the assured was repudiated and hence the complaint filed by the complainant is not maintainable
against the opposite parties 1 and 2 and submits for the dismissal of the complaint with costs.
In view of the arguments submitted by the learned counsels for the both parties and as seen from the contents of Ex.B2 Personal Statement in column No.4, it is shows as “Good” and the said policy was filled on 06-07-2010. As on the date of the Ex.B2, the assured Mannam Manikya Rao was undergone surgery in SVIMS Hospital, Tirupathi and also undergone treatment in Narayana Hospital, Chinthareddypalem, Nellore. Ex.B5 discharge summary shows as follows:
“Past history of carcinoma ascending colon diagnosed and treated at SVIMS (Rt. Hemicolectomy and chemotherapy. Last Chemotherapy on 09-12-2006”.
In Ex.B5, the final diagnosis is noted as follows:
“Post operative carcinoma ascending colon”.
The contents of Ex.B5 discharge summary shows that the assured was undergone chemotherapy on 09-12-2006 in SVIMS hospital, Tirupathi even prior to join in policy on 28-08-2008. The policy, which was issued in the name of the assured bearing No.843279549 dated 28-08-2008 was lapsed on 28-08-2009 and the same was revived on 27-10-2010 but even as on the date of the revival, the assured did not inform the same about the health condition of the assured at the time of the revival of the policy.
By relying upon the contents of Ex.B5 discharge summary, we are of the opinion that the assured suppressed the material facts and he did not mention about his treatment either as on the date of Ex.A1 policy or as on the date of the revival of the policy. As the assured suppressed the material facts, the opposite parties 1 and 2 repudiated the policy of the assured as he suppressed the ill-health of the assured Manikya Rao. In
| LIC of India Vs. Yogender Mittal reported in II (2012) CPJ 556 (NC) |
Wherein the Hon’ble National commission held that Insuree was detected with cancer prior to approval of the policy, claim was repudiated.
| In, Nokul (Minor) and another Vs. LIC of India and another reported in II (2012) CPJ 68 (N.C.),
| In, P.C. Chacko and another Vs. Chairman, LIC of India reported in AIR 2008 S.C. 424, and
| In, Satwant Kaur Sandhu Vs. New India Assurance Company reported in IV (2009) CPJ 8 (SC) |
Wherein the Hon’ble Apex Court and Hon’ble National Commission held that in a case where there was proof that the insured person was suffering from certain diseases and had a received treatment before making the proposal for insurance, but suppressed the said fact in the declaration given by him in the proposal form, the repudiation of the claim was justified.
Following the above decisions, we are of the opinion that as the assured Manikya Rao (deceased) suppressed the material facts not only as on the date of the policy and also on the date of the revival of the policy hence the policy of the late Manikya Rao was repudiated on the ground of suppression of material fact. by the opposite parties 1 and 2. Hence by relying upon the above decisions and the discussion made above, we are of the opinion that the complaint filed by the complainant against the opposite parties 1 and 2 for the recovery of the amount under the policy is not maintainable. Further we are of the opinion that there is no deficiency of service by the opposite parties 1 and 2 in repudiating the policy of late Manikya Rao. By relying upon the above discussion, we answered points 1 and 2 against the complainant and in favour of the opposite parties 1 and 2.
14. POINT No.3: In view of our answering on points No.1 and 2 against the complainant and in favour of the opposite parties 1 and 2, the complaint filed by the complainant against the opposite parties 1 and 2 has to be dismissed.
In the result, the complaint is dismissed but in the circumstances no costs.
Dictated to Stenographer, transcribed by her corrected and pronounced by us in the open Forum, this the 23rd day of AUGUST, 2017.
Sd/- Sd/- Sd/-
Witnesses Examined for the complainant
P.W.1 - | 17-11-2016 | Smt. Mannam Padmaja, W/o.Late Manikya Rao @ Manikyala Rao, Nellore (Chief affidavit filed). |
Witnesses Examined for the opposite parties
R.W.1 - | 17-11-2016 | Sri S. Raghunath, S/o.S. Sreerama Sarma, Working as Administrative Officer, D.O.LIC of India, Nellore (Chief affidavit filed). |
Ex.A1 - | 02-09-2008 | Photostat copy of policy No.843279549, dated 28-08-2008 in favour of complainant issued by the opposite pasrty.
Ex.A2 - | 07-05-2011 | Photostat copy of Death Certificate in favour of Mannam Manikya Rao.
Ex.A3 - | 25-08-2011 | Photostat copy of Family Members Certificate in favour of Late Mannam Manikya Rao, S/o.Kotaiah.
Ex.A4 - |
| Photostat copy of aadhar No.4149 9828 8875 in favour of complainant.
Ex.A5 - | 23-05-2015 | Photostat copy of legal notice from complainant’s advocate to the opposite parties.
Ex.A6 - | 25-05-2015 | Photostat copies of two served postal acknowledgements received from opposite parties sent by the complainant’s advocate. |
Ex.B1 - |
| Attested copy of Proposal for Insurance on own life in favour of Mannam Manikya Rao
Ex.B2 - |
| Attested copy of Personal Statement Regarding Health in favour of Mannam Manikya Rao in policy No.843279549 issued by the opposite parties.
Ex.B3 - |
| Photostat copy of History of Premium Transaction in policy No.843279549 in favour of Mannam Manikya Rao.
Ex.B4 - | 28-03-2015 | Photostat copy of letter from opposite party to the complainant.
Ex.B5 - | 12-09-2008 | Photostat copy of Discharge Summary in favour of Manikya Rao M. issued by the Narayana Hospital, Chinthareddypalem, Nellore.
Copies to:
1. | Sri Eduru Bhaskaraiah, Advocate, Opposite to State Bank of India, Achari Street, Nellore-524 001.
2. | A.V. Murali Krishna, Advocate, B.V. Nagar, A.K.Nagar (P.O.), Nellore. |
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