View 3811 Cases Against Medical
1. Sanagala Sudhakar, son of Balakrishna filed a consumer case on 15 Nov 2017 against 1. Dr. D. Chandra Sekhar Reddy, M.D. Consultant,Krishna Institue of medical Sciences Limited,(KIMS) in the Nellore Consumer Court. The case no is CC/97/2016 and the judgment uploaded on 17 Nov 2017.
Date of Filing :17-10-2016
Date of Disposal:15-11-2017
Wednesday, this the 15th day of NOVEMBER, 2017
Present: Sri Sk.Mohd.Ismail, M.A., LL.B., President
Sri K. Umamaheswara Rao, M.A., B.L., Member
1. | Sanagala Sudhakar, H/o.Sanagala Venkata Ramanamma, Son of Balakrishna, Aged 45 years, Hindu, Driver,
2. | Sanagala Saranya, D/o.Sanagala Sudhakar, D/o.Sanagala VEnkata Ramanamma, Unmarried, Aged 20 years, Hindu,
Both are residents of Ramachandra Puram, Kavali, SPSR Nellore District. ..… Complainants |
1. | Dr.D. Chandra Sekhar Reddy, M.D. Consultant, (Physician & Dialectologist in Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences Limited (KIMS), Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences Limited (KIMS), Durgamitte, Nellore-524 003.
2. | The Chairman, Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences Limited (KIMS), Head Office, 1-8-31/1, Minister Road, Krishna Nagar Colony, Begumpet, Secunderabad, Telangana-500003, E ..…Opposite parties
This complaint is coming before us for hearing in the presence of Sri Gummadi Stalin Babu and Sri Somarajupalli Nageswara Rao, advocates for the complainant and Sri O. Abbai Reddy and Sri M. Brahmam, advocates for the opposite parties and having stood over for consideration till this day and this Forum passed the following:
The complaint filed by this complainant under Section-12 of Consumer Protection Act, 1986 to direct the opposite parties to pay compensation for loss of consortium an amount of Rs.7,00,000/-, mental agony due to sufferance and loss of earning family member to the complainant No.1 and unmarried daughter for Rs.4,50,000/-, Lab & Drug (Medicines) Expenses at opposite party No.1 hospital for Rs.62,609/-, medical expenses at Vijaya Hospital at Chennai for Rs.3,45,000/-, conveyance charges at opposite party No.1 hospital for Rs.25,000/- and Vijaya Hospital at Chennai for Rs.25,000/-, all expenses amounting to Rs.16,07,609/- and submits to allow the complaint with costs.
The complainants submitted that complaint filed under Section-2 (1) (o) of Consumer Protection Act for the “Medical Negligence”, Misdiagnosis and “deficiency of service” of the opposite parties which resulted in Death of Sanagala Venkata Ramanamma and severe Loss of Consortium, Mental health to complainants due to failure to exercise reasonable medical skills and care in diagnosis and treatment as per the prevalent standards with that particular point of time by the opposite parties.
2. The brief averments of the complaint are as follows that:-the complainants submitted that complainants are survivors of deceased Sanagala Venkata Ramanamma and complainant No.1 was worked as Private Car Driver (He lost his job prior to the death of his wife) and he having one daughter by name Saranya who completed her education and her parents are wanted to perform marriage alliances. The deceased Sanagala Venkata Ramanamma was hale and healthy prior to the date of her death on account of failure to diagnosis and medical negligence of the opposite party No.1.
The complainants submitted that the deceased Sanagala Venkata Ramanamma approached 1st opposite party hospital along with complainant No.1 at about 9.15 p.m., on 06-02-2015 with a problem of mild head ache, fever, loose motions and vomiting. The 1st opposite party prescribed pathological tests at their hospital and admitted her in their hospital for treatment. The opposite party hospital prescribed high dose and high powered antibiotics to the patient and conducted experimental treatment on her without diagnosing actual problem of patient. Despite taking these medicines, the deceased was not getting any relief. Opposite party No.1 treated deceased patient for a period of 5 days (from at about 9.15 p.m. on 06-02-2015 to at about 11.26 p.m. on 10-02-2015) with irregular and negligent treatment. On account of negligent treatment, her condition was deteriorated day by day and finally on the forced request of the complainant No.1, to the opposite party No.1, at about 11.26 p.m. on 10-02-2015, opposite party No.1, referred patient for better treatment at hospital at Chennai.
The complainants submitted that immediately complainant shifted his wife to Vijaya Hospital, Vadapalani, Chennai in early hours at about 3.49 a.m. on 11-02-2015 and there the doctors diagnosed with proven microbiological tests and she had treated with appropriate medications for a period of 8 days but due to ‘several complications’ on account of bad and negligent treatment and misdiagnosis of opposite party No.1, she fought for life in ICU for a period of 8 days and finally lost her life at about 10.51 p.m. on 18-02-2015.
The complainants submitted that with the medical experts opinion, complainant came to know that opposite party No.1 conducted more experiments on the deceased patient and caused the deterioration of her health condition without diagnosing her problem and also excess use of antibiotics. It shows medical negligence on the part of opposite parties. Repeated use of antibiotics on deceased patient without diagnosis, led to the emergence of drug-resistant germs and 1st opposite parties treatment is comes under medical negligence.
Failure to Diagnise:
The complainants submitted that Misdiagnosis of opposite party No.1 is responsible for death of Sanagala Venkata Ramanamma. Opposite party No.1 physician fails to identify the underlying medical condition of the patient. He over look valuable diagnostic tests and lost critical time to treat the patient properly, leading to the patient’s unnecessary and untimely death.
1. Opposite Party No.1 failure to diagnose cause of health condition of deceased patient especially as the required facility to diagnose the cause of the complication was not available in the opposite party No.1 hospital and reference to a higher centre was delayed with that particular point of time, resulted loss of life.
Opposite Party No.1 violated 3.6 Code of Ethics Regulations, 2002, Patients Referred to Specialists.
2. Deceased patient ought to have been referred to a higher centre immediately detecting the complications rather than waiting for 5 days without realizing the nature of the sickness of deceased patient.
3. Opposite Party No.1 not having such reasonable medical skills, expertise, ability and due care to found decreasing Platelet Counts, Severe fever and it’s severity in time.
The complainants submitted that the Medical Prescriptions issued by the opposite party No.1 hospital is irregular and against the 1.4 of Code of Ethics Regulations, 2002. The medical prescription not disclosing Generic name of the Medicine, name of the Doctor, Registration Number of Doctor accorded from State Medical Council / Medical Council of India and it is absent and it is irrational prescription.
The complainants submitted that it is pathetic that on account of acts of opposite parties, complainants No.1 lost his wife and care taker mother of complainant No.2 and more over they lost bread winner as the deceased was Anganwadi worker. If proper medical services would have been offered by opposite parties, mother of complainant could have lived the healthy life thereafter.
The complainants submitted that complainants sent legal notices dated 06-09-2016 through email, to the opposite parties 1 and 2 and later sent legal notices dated 06-09-2016 through registered post (postal receipts No’s RN654635520IN & RN654635516IN respectively) and opposite parties No.1 and 2 received the same on 09-09-2016 and 12-09-2016 respectively but not responded and at least not sent any explanation on their part of medical negligence. This attitude of opposite party No.1 and 2 strongly proves their part of deficiency of service.
The complainants submitted that in the case of Dr.Laxman Balkrishna Joshi Vs. Dr. Trimbark Babu Godbole and another reported in AIR 1969 SC 128 a and A.S.B. Mittal Vs. State of U.P. reported in AIR 1989 SC 1570, it was laid down that when a doctor is consulted by a patient, the doctor owes to his patient certain duties which are:
A breach of any of the above duties may give a cause of action for negligence and the patient may on that basis recover damages from his doctor.
In the afore mentioned case, the apex court interalia observed that negligence has many manifestations – it may be active negligence, collateral negligence, comparative negligence, concurrent negligence, continued negligence, criminal negligence, gross negligence, hazardous negligence active and passive negligence, willful or reckless negligence, or negligence per se.
The complainants submitted that in this case, the opposite party No.1 established continued negligence for a period of 5 days by prescribing High Powered Antibiotics without diagnosis. At the same time both the opposite parties shown willful / reckless negligence for the notice dated 06-09-2016 sent by the complainant. It amounts to admission of reckless negligence on the part of opposite parties and submits to allow the complaint with costs.
3. The opposite parties 1 and 2 filed written version with the following averments that: the opposite parties submitted that one patient by name Sanagala Venkata Ramanamma, female, aged 40 years, known diabetic for the last 5 years, is admitted in CCU Step down care on 06-02-2015 with the complaint of 5 days fever, 3 days breathing difficulty and 2 days vomiting. As the said patient was provisionally diagnosed as PUO with sepsis and Metabolic Acidosis, old diabetes, 1st opposite party has started antibiotics and other supportive after sending for all the important investigations to know the internal condition and functional status of the organs, in the critical care wards. As per sepsis guidelines, antibiotics should be given within an hour of case presentation. Usually, in endemic areas, diagnosis of Dengue, scrub Typhus, Leptospria, Brucella etc., is generally made on clinical grounds alone. Usually blood cultures will be negative.
The opposite parties submitted that in view of familiar clinical picture and less predictive value of available costly investigations with no extra benefit, usually the doctors do not investigate extensively, to start with. The 1st opposite party with his experience and knowledge of various possible prevalent infections in his locality, he suspect the possible priorities and treat the fevers like Dengue, Scrub typhus, Lepto, Brucella etc., without much investigations. The 1st opposite party states that final confirmation of the cause of fever is not a simple issue. Any doctor can diagnose and confirm the heart attack within 5 minutes taking an ECG and can confirm brain stoke within 10 minute by taking brain scan, but patient can present with fever from infective focus anywhere in the body and even cancers most of the times present with fever only. There are some patients in whom the cause of fever cannot be found even with extensive work-up.
The opposite parties submitted that according to any standard medicine text books, there are various causes of fever and also for each fever, there will be different types of tests. The choice of laboratory test is not straight forward and all currently available tests have their own limitations. For example, the routine weil-Felix test being done every where for scrub Typhus fever, the diagnosis is notoriously unreliable. Its sensitivity is as low as 33% and specificity is only 46%. In patients from endemic areas, like locality here, 18% of health individuals have positive test reports. Even with Igm EIISA Test also, specificity is only 85% Cross reactivity is high among infections like dengue, scrub Typhus, Lepto, Brucella and other rickettisial infections. For confirmation, the doctors have to exclude all these infections ;by doing specific Igm Tests. Like this the doctors can go on discussing process of each and every test.
The opposite parties submitted that hospitals are now a days investing and spending crores of rupees for costly equipment like MRI, CT Scan, Cath-Lab, 3 D ultrasound scans, sophisticated CCU and ICCU set ups. Making available a Microbiological test is not at all a big tissue. But, the fact is, if the doctors keep available any specific test kit, it will have limited expiry period of one year only and they should choose suspicious patients for testing, irrespective of their economical capability, to avoid financial loss to the institution by using the targeted procedures within the specified life period of one year time. For patients, now a days, for a common disease like fever, the doctors cannot make it quite costly by following the disease protocols, compulsory.
The opposite parties submitted that by having the familiarity of all these reasons and investigatory protocols and procedures, having the right of ordering any investigation, by knowing the future implications and remote possibility of legal responsibility, with an humanitarian. Outlook towards the economical status and financial resources of Anganwadi worker / patient , 1st opposite party has suggested the minimum, necessary important laboratory investigations. The 1st opposite party do not order for any extra investigations simply for the sake of income to the 2nd opposite party institution or for his personal benefit unless and otherwise, the condition of the patient warrants.
The opposite parties submitted that though 1st opposite party has been working in the institution since quite a long period till today, his hospital management have never suggested or forced to do extra investigations, with a generous attitude and future vision to assure social justice to the people of society. In western countries, with lot of economical resources and insurances support, they will do all protocol investigations even for mild illness. But society here cannot afford such types of costly approach.
The opposite parties submitted that among all these endemic diseases, scrub Typhus is usually having the most fulminant course of disease. For that 1st opposite party has given Azithromycin injection according to the dosage schedule given in the standard medical test books. Azithromycin is the best alternative drug for conventional doxycycline, which he cannot give to the said patient, because of her Gastro intestinal complications. Regarding Dengue fever management, even after confirmation by doing specific tests, there is no extra benefit as there is no extra benefit as there is no specific medicine and treatment as 1st opposite party already giving required best supportive care. The 1st opposite party has received and treated the said patient already complicated case for a short period of 4 full days with the best of his efforts to save the patient. The 1st opposite party’s hospital team are having lot of experience and exposure to treat such type of patients and even more critical sepsis patients with multiple organ failure like having damage of liver, kidney, lungs, heart with best recovery and high success rates. According to existing sepsis guide lines, even with the best possible treatment like in western countries, mortality rate in sepsis patents is 10%. Any qualified specialist doctor by knowing all these medical facts, after treating a patient in tertiary care center for a good number of days, cannot through away the failure or success on some others. Cause of death of the patient always should not be projected a the failure of the treating doctor, the diagnosis and the treatment. Inspite of 1st opposite party’s sincere efforts, sometimes, some patients may not respond properly on the expected and planned lines of given treatment and supportive care, when the course of the disease is fulminant and also in the presence of low immune statues due to predisposing chronic diseases like diabetes, Thyroid illnesses and other organ dysfunctions and also may be because of poor nutritional status. It is appropriate to suggest all the patients who are admitted in the hospital with fevers to go to Chennai, Vijaya and Appollo Hospitals straight away from the beginning? Even in the best health care facility centers like in America and UK also they are having step care approach and they will take the decision of referring the patients to which grade of hospital, depending upon the insurance premium amount paid.
The opposite parties submitted that throughout her hospital stay, the said patient’s condition was explained to her attendants and complainants, in their own language regarding the seriousness and prognosis of the disease on regular basis. The 1st opposite party being a responsible doctor and working for the best interest of the patients, he has given all the necessary supportive care with his best efforts. As alleged in the complainant’s notice, 1st opposite party has neither prescribed high powered antibiotics nor conducted any experimental treatment, without diagnosing the condition of the patient. Depending upon the condition of the patient only, 1st opposite party has prescribed necessary antibiotics and supportive drugs and there is no need for any experimentation on the said patient as he is a senior, qualified physician and practicing medicine over nearly two decades of time and quite a good number of such P.U.O. cases were treated by him in his hospital and saved the patients. The question of medical negligence never takes place in a tertiary and level hospital like the 1st opposite party and depending upon the prognosis and response of the patient to the treatment, he order for different investigations and he won’t order for unnecessary and unwanted investigations which will be financial burden to the patient and also undesirable. In the complainant’s notice, alleging that 1st opposite party’s hospital does not have the required facilities to diagnose the diseases is quite baseless and presumptive as his hospital is one of the best corporate hospitals in this region rendering medical aid to the needy patients from various nearby districts with all latest and sophisticated costly equipment, for the last 16 years.
The opposite parties submitted that the sad patient’s attendants wanted to shift her to Chennai and as per their wish and will, the patient has been discharged at their own request and risk i.e., discharged against medical advice. The very fact that the patient could pull on for 8 days at Chennai infers that the so called better treatment at Chennai could not yield expected results and the patient could not be saved and thus there is no violation of 3.6 code of ethics regulations, as the patient was discharged against the medical advice inspite of 1st opposite party’s repeated periodical counseling’s and appraisals about the condition of the patient and the prognosis.
The opposite parties submitted that as a matter of fact, to diagnose a P.U.O. case and to render treatment is quite challenging as it may take any turn and land in any condition and may even lead to Multi organ disease and multi organ failure and death, inspite of doctors best efforts with the hop of a ventilator and all sophisticated investigations, which has happened in this patient, inspite of expert services at Chennai for over a period of 8 days and the patient could not be revived and 1st opposite party cannot blame their efforts. In view of all the facts submitted supra, 1st opposite party says that there are no lapses or willful negligence or whatsoever on his part or on the part of his institution in this particular case and the question of compensation does not arise. The complainants sent the notice and filed this complaint to exerting pressure on the opposite parties to get wrongful gain only from them and hence submits to dismiss the complaint with costs.
4. On behalf of complainants, the affidavit of P.W.1 filed and Exs.A1 to A12 marked.
5. On behalf of the opposite parties, the affidavit of R.W.1 filed and no documents were filed on behalf of the opposite parties 1 and 2.
6. On behalf of the both parties, written arguments were not filed.
7. Arguments on behalf of the complainants heard.
8. Inspite of sufficient opportunity, the opposite parties 1 and 2 failed to submit their side of arguments. Hence, it is treated that arguments on behalf of the opposite parties 1 and 2 treated as heard.
9. Now the points for consideration are:
(1) Whether the complaint filed by the complainants against the opposite
parties 1 and 2 under Section-12 of Consumer Protection Act, 1986
alleging the deficiency of service by the opposite parties 1 and 2 is
(2) To what relief, the complainants are entitled?
10. POINT No.1:The learned counsel for the complainants submits by relying upon evidence of P.W.1 and Exs.A1 to A12 that the wife of the 1st complainant and the mother of the 2nd complainant namely Sanagala Venkata Ramanamma was admitted in opposite party No.2 hospital on 06-02-2015 at 9.15 p.m. for treatment but the opposite party No.1 in a negligent manner treated the said Sanagala Venkata Ramanamma and as her health was deteriorated she was taken to Vijaya Hospital, Vadapalani, Chennai for better treatment and died on 18-02-2015 and as the opposite party No.1 failed to diagnose the health condition of the deceased and as the opposite party No.1 has acted in a negligent manner hence the complainants filed this complaint against the opposite party No.1 claiming compensation amount of Rs.16,07,609/- and the opposite party No.2 is liable to pay the compensation amount along with the opposite party No.1 as opposite party No.2 is vicariously liable for the acts committed by the opposite party No.1 and inspite of issuing of legal notice as the opposite parties failed to pay the compensation amount, the complainants filed this complaint against the opposite parties 1 and 2 claiming compensation and submits to allow the complaint with costs.
On the other hand, the contention of the opposite parties 1 and 2 and the affidavit of R.W.1 shows that the opposite party No.1 has taken due care at the time of the admission of the deceased Sanagala Venkata Ramanamma and provided good treatment to her and as there is no negligence on the part of the opposite parties 1 and 2, the complaint filed by the complainants against the opposite parties 1 and 2 is not maintainable as there is no deficiency of service and submits for the dismissal of the complaint against the opposite parties 1 and 2 with costs.
In view of the arguments submitted by the learned counsels for both parties and as seen from the facts of the case, one late Sanagala Venkata Ramanamma and who is the wife of the 1st complainant and mother of the 2nd complainant was admitted in opposite party No.2 hospital for treatment and later she was taken to Vijaya Hospital, Chennai for treatment and died in the said hospital while undergoing treatment. In the light of the above said admitted facts, the case of the both parties has to be examined. In this case, the opposite parties 1 and 2 except filing of the affidavit of R.W.1 no documentary evidence were placed on their behalf to disprove the version of the complainant and to prove that there was no negligence on the part of the opposite party No.1.
| In, Kusum Sharma & others Vs. Batra Hospital & Medical Research Centre & Others reported in I (2010) CPJ 29 (SC) |
Wherein the Hon’ble Apex Court held that when the doctor not guilty of medical negligence as long as they perform their duties and exercise ordinary degree of professional skills and competence, medical negligence not proved, in view of settled principles of medical negligence, No relief can be granted.
| In, Achut Rao Haribhan Khodwa Vs. State of Maharashtra and others reported in AIR 1996 SC 2377 = 1996 (2) SCC 634. |
The Hon’ble Apex Court held as follows; that for establishing negligence or deficiency in service there must be sufficient evidence that a doctor or hospital has not taken reasonable care while treating the patient. Reasonable care in discharge of duties by the hospital and doctors varies from case to case, and expertise expected on the subject, which a doctor or a hospital has undertaken. Courts would be slow in attributing negligence on the part of the doctor if he has performed his duties to the best of his ability with due care and caution.
| In K.S. Bhatia Vs. Jeevan Hospital and another reported in 2004 CTJ 175 (NC) (CP) |
The Hon’ble National Commission held, it is for the complainant to allege and prove negligence by expert evidence or by producing medical reports.
In Sudheendra Medical Mission Hospital Vs. Kennan V.R. reported in II (2003) CPJ 146 (NC). |
Wherein the Hon’ble National Commission held that the burden of proof lies on the complainant to prove negligence and in the absence of any such negligence, the complainants case cannot be accepted.
| In Marble City Hospitals and the Research Centre Vs. V.R.Soni reported in 2004 (2) CPJ (102) (Rajasthan) |
The Hon’ble State Commission held that negligence has to be proved, it cannot be presumed.
By relying upon the above decisions, we are of the opinion that merely basing on the evidence of P.W.1 alone it is difficult to say that the opposite party No.1 has acted in a negligent manner and he has not taken any due care at the time of giving treatment to Sanagala Venkata Ramanamma while she was admitted in opposite party No.2 hospital.
| In Shibshree Banerjee Vs. Pearless Hospital & B.K.Roy Research Centre and others reported in III (2009) CPJ 88 (NC). |
The Hon’ble Apex Court held that when expert evidence not produced, negligence, deficiency in services not proved.
| In Rajkumar Gupta and others Vs. Dr.P.S.Hardia and others reported in 2007 (3) CPJ 146 and
| In Shikha Vs. Dr. Ashoka Jindal reported in 2003 (1) CPJ 239 (NC). |
Wherein the Hon’ble National Commission held that when the complainant could not produce any expert evidence to prove medical negligence, the complaint filed by the complainant has to be dismissed.
By relying upon the above decisions, we are of the opinion that as the complainant failed to adduce expert evidence to disprove the contention of opposite parties 1 and 2 in these circumstances, it cannot be said that the opposite parties acted in a negligent manner towards late Ramanamma and services provided by the opposite parties is deficiency of service and it cannot be possible to say that the opposite parties have acted in negligent manner towards late Ramanamma.
By relying upon the above decisions and discussion made above, we are of the opinion that there is no negligence or deficiency of service by the opposite parties towards late Sanagala Venkata Ramanamma and hence the complaint filed by the complainants against the opposite parties is not maintainable and the same has to be dismissed. In view of the above said discussion, we answered this point against the complainants and in favour of opposite parties 1 and 2.
11. POINT No.2: In view of our answering on point No.1 against the complainants and in favour of the opposite parties, the complaint filed by the complainant has to be dismissed.
In the result, the complaint is dismissed but in the circumstances no costs.
Dictated to Stenographer, transcribed by her corrected and pronounced by us in the open Forum, this the 15th day of NOVEMBER, 2017.
Sd/- Sd/-
Witnesses Examined for the complainant
P.W.1 - | 07-04-2012 | Sri. Sanagala Sudhakar, S/o.Balakrishna, Resident of Ramachandrapuram, Kavali, SPSR Nellore District (chief affidavit filed). |
Witnesses Examined for the opposite parties
R.W.1 - | 20-07-2017 | Dr.D. Chandra Sekhar Reddy, Consultant, Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences Limited (KIMS), Bollineni Super Speciality Hospital, Durgamitta, Nellore City (Evidence affidavit filed) |
Ex.A1 - | - | Photostat copy of Discharge Against Medical advice history Sanagala Venkata Ramanamma issued by the opposite party No.2 hospital.
Ex.A2 - | 10-12-2015 | Photostat copy of Inpatient Final Bill.
Ex.A3 - | - | Photostat copies of twenty eight bills issued by opposite party No.2 hospital.
Ex.A4 - | 19-02-2015 | Final Bill (Duplicate copy) issued by Vijaya Heart Foundation.
Ex.A5 - | 19-02-2016 | Photostat copy of Death Certificate issued by Dr.N.A.Senthilnathan, city Health Officer (I/c), Corporation of Chennai.
Ex.A6 - | 29-06-2015 | Photostat copy of Family Member certificate.
Ex.A7 - | - | Photostat copy of Aadhar No.7271 3620 9178 in the name of 1st complainant.
Ex.A8 - | - | Photostat copy of Aadhar No.6996 6563 4322 in the name of 2nd complainant.
Ex.A9 - | 06-09-2016 | Legal notice from complainant’s advocate to the opposite parties along with two registered post receipts.
Ex.A10 - | - | One served postal acknowledgement.
Ex.A11 - | - | Track Consignment details relating to Consignment Number RN654635516.
Ex.A12 - | 10-11-2016 | Reply notice from opposite parties advocate to the complainant’s advocate. |
Copies to:
1. | Sri Gummadi Stalin Babu and Sri Somarajupalli Nageswara Rao, Advocates, 16-1891, Opposite to Millenium Sub Station, Srinivasa Agraharam, Mini by pass Road, Nellore.
2. | Sri O. Abbai Reddy and Sri M. Brahmam, Advocates, 23-1-962, Wahabpet, Nellore-524 003. |
Date when free copy was issued:
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