Sibsundar Mukhopadhyay filed a consumer case on 11 Aug 2017 against 1) Principal BIEC in the Birbhum Consumer Court. The case no is MA/8/2017 and the judgment uploaded on 16 Aug 2017.
Both parties file hazira.
The complainant files a petition for expunging O.P No. 2
Let the petition be treated as Mis. Case.
Hd. Ld. Advocate/Agent of the complainant.
We find that inspite of several attempt the complainant has failed to serve notice upon O.P No.2 and prayed for expunging their name.
We think there is no impediment to allow the petition.
Accordingly petition for expunging the names of O.P No. 2 is allowed at the risk of the complainant.
Amend the complaint.
Thus the Mis.Case No. 8/2017 is disposed of accordingly.
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